HiCyrus said:Hello all![]()
Bockaaarck said:Hello old friend, how's your day been ?![]()
Cyrus said:Well my dear Mr. Bocky, I tried to revise for a test I have this Friday, but to tell you the truth, it's not going so well :| I'm a bit burnt out
But I'll try and carry on for the time being. It's not that long to the summer holiday. I will have at least a few weeks off before I have to come back and do the resits :|
Bockaaarck said:What is the test/exam/course you're currently revising/studying for.I have phrased this question in this manner, in order to force you to give me a clear and concise answer, which i hope will focus your mind![]()
Cyrus said:Hehe, thanks
It's all about research methods in psychology. Different theories, history, methods etc.
Luckily it's a multiple choice test, so in theory, it shouldn't be that hard, but I still worry :|
Bockaaarck said:Hey Cyrus, it sounds like to me, and i may well be wrong, that you're worried all the stuff you "DO KNOW" may not come up. And your also, you're worried that no matter how hard you study, you will never know enough of the stuff you need to know !!!!!
Such is life old friend![]()
The most important thing is not to burn yourself out, take time to relaxAn remember this.I would guess a lot of what you're studying is based on wel founded and documented and studied information and data ........and supposition about ideas and theories which for the most part "appear" to be right or correct
Never forget, there's always some room for "slack", you'll do ok old friend![]()
Cyrus said:Hi SDG
I'm going to bed soon :|
SexyDevilGirl said:Hi :|
:shock: you're actually going to bed? whoa
Cyrus said:I have to. I have a test on Friday and I need to get up early to revise![]()
SexyDevilGirl said:You do need sufficient rest- it's bad to lose sleep then try to remember things :|
Cyrus said:I can't even remember if I'm well-rested :|