The Member Diary

wicky said:
Bloody hell Bocky you're a popular guy LOL :banana: Enjoy your last days in lazyland :wink:

We'll have to wait and see, this job would really be heading in the right direction though. Mind you, i've got to get through the interview first LOL

Fingers crossed, and its nice to get some really positive responses back, i've sent god knows how many applications and CV's out for stuff :)
Today for lunch I had a spicey duck fajita, a bag of crisps and a bottle of Orange Lucozade :P

Then when I walked back to college, I had a look for a new phone on o2 and I think I've found one, superb :D

Now I'm supposed to be looking for a local sports organisation to write about in my assignment, but sports boring, so I'm listening to rock legends Aerosmith, with Joe 'F'in' Perry on guitars 8)

Ben said:
Non stop an hour :o

I have to stop after about 20 minutes, saying that, the majority of my run is uphill :|

i have few kilometers uphill too :x

btw i run for 25 years now regulary each week so your time will come when mine will be dead LOL LOL :|
went to see a Maiden tribute band last night and they fucking rocked
i had so much fun and the atmosphere was just immense

3 of the 5 dogs ... these are the crazy ones LOL
Sorry about the size of some of them :err: Don't know what happened there :? I took them all on the same phone settings :?