The all new what are you doing now thread

sketchy said:
All right .. well the wrap it up right good .. I wish I could help you out more, sunshine.
holy fuck
im having a go at him on my forum now i can fuckin hck this bitch
my mate doesn't like him either
so far his comp is only up cus of me
this was my old best mate btw
sketchy said:
Is it massive-type blood loss or what?
it happened at 3
its now 4:38 and its still bleedin
its better now cus my wrist is cold and i can't feel my hand so theres no pain :)
If you were here I would whip you up some herbal remidties ... but I guess that does you no good right now .. now does it?
wicker nomad said:
manic...if you go to the doc's they'll stitch it up...not do a blood test :wink:
i don't like the docs
its fine now i can't feel it :) or any other part of my lower arm for that matter :(
rockin_plumber said:
:err: Is it safe

Hi everyone :banana:
no theres fuckin blood every fuckin where
just washed it again after tryin to stitch it myself and i can fuckin feel it again

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:25 pm Post subject:


id like to inform rocki_plumber he has a PM
sketchy said:

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:25 pm Post subject:


id like to inform rocki_plumber he has a PM
kk rockin_plumber has a pm
sketchy said:
never mind .. you dont understand
really pissed off wid my old mate now
fucki puts the phone down straight away
i got several emails saying when i tryed to log in i clicked the forgot my password so i traced the ip address to my old mates house
fuckin ginger retard :x