The all new what are you doing now thread

twilightsglow said:
Hey sketchy and wicky. :D I'm great, how are you two?
I'm fine :) But Jake is tired and stroppy :( bloody fireworks kept him awake last night :x

I think i'll be putting him to bed in a minute..before Luke kills him :|

My fuckin puter has gone very slow all of a sudden....going to find out why

see you later :)
that dick-head
he thinx im stupid
he says he has an ip scrambler
each one is from
1. his account
2. his laptop
3. his mums account
he emailed me thinkin he was on his account callin me when it was his mums
i think i'm gonna report it to the police for excessivly offending the inocent
i wanna smack that terd
but hes short and can't fight
everyone seems to think if you fight someone smaller your a geek
if you refuse your a geek :?