Snimanje novog albuma uskoro :D

Scream for me said:
al steveovi prvi bendovi (albumi) su
jethro tull - stand up
genesis - foxtrot

i navodi ih kao uzore uz ufo, free , the who

znam, ali ja kažem da se mene od svih njih najviše ufo dopao, a Bruce je rekao da je bio (a ne znam je li još uvijek) zaluđen purlple-ima (što ne znači da nije slušao i šta drugo)
da , istina ufo je predobra grupa , phenomenon uffff , predobar album a bruce je kolko ja znam i dalje zaluđen purpleovcima a steve danas voli posluša type o negative kolko mi je poznato uz ove stare bendove naravno al nađe se tu svega kako on sam kaže, nema ni vremena previše slušat muziku veli
Scream for me said:
da , istina ufo je predobra grupa , phenomenon uffff , predobar album a bruce je kolko ja znam i dalje zaluđen purpleovcima a steve danas voli posluša type o negative kolko mi je poznato uz ove stare bendove naravno al nađe se tu svega kako on sam kaže, nema ni vremena previše slušat muziku veli

ali naravno i veliki je fan Queen S-a, a Adrianu je Biohazzard dobar bend
Scream for me said:
ni ja da budem iskren LOL

ali ja zbilja nisam imao nikakav kontakt s njihovom glazbom, osim što sam pročitao u jednom adrianovom intervju da su mu dečki iz biohazarda dali cd, te da ga on vrti u autu i da mu je album odličan
ja niti neznam nijedan njihov album moram priznat , znam kak izgledaju i kak otprilike zvuče pa ih i nisam previše preferirao
Scream for me said:
ja niti neznam nijedan njihov album moram priznat , znam kak izgledaju i kak otprilike zvuče pa ih i nisam previše preferirao

ne znam ni ja , samo kažem da je adrian dobio njihov tada najnoviji. kak zvuč, nemam pojma, a ni ne zanima me previše
Greetings folks - well, not much diary this week as it was a very short week.

We worked Monday to Wednesday, and while it was constructive, it was more of the same. I have four songs mixed for the album, which I've told you is going to have 10 songs in the end. There is a fifth on the console, which Steve is going to sing some backing vocals and play some keyboards on today - and then I'll print the mix, which will leave us another nine tracks to finish, five for the album as well as the four extra tracks for B-sides, etc.

I think the album has a name, but I haven't been told it - and those lame MP3s going around the internet which someone is insisting are leaked Maiden tracks are just bogus - anyone with an ear should know that - shit, even a deaf Ed-head would know that!

Monday, Steve and I work on a couple of tracks, Jan came in and played some guitar parts - a lead harmony here, reinforcing an intro melody there, basically bringing everything up to speed to mix, which I've done. Adrian was in to sing a backing vocal along with Steve, and Wing Commander Biggles was in Wednesday for two lead vocals - before I had to rush to the airport to get a late night flight to Rome - for the Easter break. Actually, I am using 90% of Bruce's original tracking vocals, which have have their own unique spirit when he sings live with the band. I'm just using the new vocals for an occasional lyric mix-up or a melody change, but they're basically his live takes! And that's not me being lazy, I fully expected to use more of the redone vocals, but the live ones are killer!

And that's it....... I feel energized from the Easter break, I have to confess I was shattered by Wednesday night, but am back up to speed and chomping at the bit to get back to the studio today - I write this on an early morning Alitalia flight from Rome to Heathrow somewhere over snow-capped Alps, and once I grab the Heathrow Express, I should be in the studio by 10am, and back to work by 10.01.

And that's really all there is to say - take care - Up The Irons!
Eto, svakom svoje - meni se posebno ne svidja onaj dio sa Steveovim back vokalima :|

BTW, Snake, odakle nabavljas ove dnevnike prije nego sto ih Caveman stavi na svoj site?
Gul_Ranek said:
Eto, svakom svoje - meni se posebno ne svidja onaj dio sa Steveovim back vokalima :|

BTW, Snake, odakle nabavljas ove dnevnike prije nego sto ih Caveman stavi na svoj site?
izbace ih na portalu cim ih Kevin objavi na IMBBu
Gul_Ranek said:
Eto, svakom svoje - meni se posebno ne svidja onaj dio sa Steveovim back vokalima :|

zašto ti se to ne sviđa? a u tome je pozitivna stvar što je netko nedavno ovdje rekao da Bruce ne daje da nitko osim njega ( adrian ili steve) pjevaju back vocale. sad se vidi da je to ne točno.
a kako mi se čini (a ne mora biti) da na ovom albumu neće biti previše tj. čini mi se da će biti samo malo klavijatura :banana: to se vidi po tome što ih samo steve snima, a i čini mi se da nisu odvojili previše vremena za to. :banana:
bravo, snake, iskreno nisam bio već 2 dana na maidenfansu :oops:
Kevin Shirley's sixth studio diary updating us on how Maiden's 14th studio album is coming along has been posted. Bruce has now only got one song left to sing and seven out of ten songs have got their final mixes done. Read on for the latest news from the recording.

Many thanks to dogigniter

"Hi there, Maiden fans. An update so soon - well, let me tell you, it may have been a short week, but it has been extraordinarily productive!

Got in early Monday morning from Italy and sailed right into Paddington on the Heathrow Express and was hard at work by 10am. 'Arry came in about noon - and then the rest of the week is a blur.

Wing Commander Biggles came in a couple of times - to sing a couple of songs, to work on some lyrics and melodies - Steve writes the melodies and Bruce writes lyrics to fit the meter. Steve whistles the tune and Bruce scratches his head and concentrates, searching pages and pages of ideas and lyrics he's got prepared. By the way, when Bruce does a vocal, it's entirely physical! I don't have a great view of him, because that would be weird just staring at him singing, but I can see him enough to see that he moves like he's on stage - with a fixed microphone tho, of course. His arms windmill around, and when he gets back into the control room, he's covered in sweat! He says he gives his abdominals a serious workout each time, and the vocals on this album are bitching!!!! Actually, the whole thing is - no kidding!!! The drums are gigantic - 'Arry's bass goes up your ass, it's so biting and heavy, and all Three Amigos have pulled out serious melodic solos, and I love the songs!

Anyway, Biggles has only ONE song left to sing - and I have already got final mixes of SEVEN - yes, you read that correctly - seven songs are in the can, from an album of ten. We have been working chronologically the whole time - and the order we've recorded the songs - and mixed them, is the running order for the album. Bizarre, yet utterly true and seriously satisfying! I haven't been this excited since Silverchair's Frogstomp........ well, then I did enjoy the Led Zeppelin DVD and live albums ..... and then I loved producing the Black Crowes and earlier Maiden albums too .... and I had a kickass time getting Joe Bonamassa's new album done (by the way, if you're a fan of the blues at all - of Jeff Beck, Peter Green, etc - check out Joe's album. It's called You And Me and we did a cracking cover version of a Led Zeppelin blues track - Tea For One) .... but still, I am very excited!

Jan came in - did some gorgeous harmonics on the quiet section of the track we call "Billy Bunter", well, that's it's working title! He added some melodic lines to a sing-along bit and Adrian came in and had some nice lunches - and put down a terrific acoustic guitar track over one of Bruce's songs, Song #6, which could conceivably get a few spins on the radio even!! Steve put down some tasteful synths and sang ONE backing vocal; and really did a sterling job on the keyboards, ably assisted by long time Maiden stalwart, Michael Kenney - the live keyboard player, bass and guitar tech, and general all-round whiz-kid! I'm normally pretty feisty about the keyboards, as I don't love them -but these have really enhanced the few sections where they've been played! Actually, there hasn't been a fight on this entire session! Amazing! Adrian did burst a blood vessel and yell at Jan for having a giggle with me while he was trying to listen to one of his solos on a B-side track, but we put that down to the time of the month - and then 'Arry and I had that little "rockabilly" exchange back when - but it's been a seriously fantastic session! And you'll get to hear all of that!

So, that's where we're at. We've moved our mastering date forward, because as we'll finish well ahead of schedule, we can get some other things done - I'm gonna produce a quickie 10 day album in Las Vegas with indie-rockers Supagroup, I'll also fit in some surround sound mixes for future live releases, and I've got a couple of things to do for a little Jimmy Page thing that's going on in the background. You might wonder what all these rock stars do, when not dancing and prancing around the stage, but succesful people work very hard - and all the time too! It's exhausting!

So, I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into our week that's just flown by. All the boys are home today and I'm working in the studio on my own - making sure the rock/metal is just the way you like it! It doesn't sound like anyone else, and we like that! We don't listen to any current stuff and compare it in the studio - we like to make the music sound like music we want to hear. And I know you'll love it!

My son Josh's 18th birthday is 06.06.06.

Could I be parent of the Beast? I'd better check under his hair...........
ovo zbilja dobro zvuči, samo što mi se čini da je to Bruce dosta brzo otpjevao. stvar rutine?a nitko nije komentirao ovo kevinovo pisanje dnevnika. mislim to je zbilja dobra stvar za fanove, ali mislim da se time i kevin želi približiti fanovima, ali i želi i svoj komad kolača.
on cijelo vrijeme napominje da je martin najveći, a ja se pitam bi li martin kad došao na tu odluku da piše dnevnika na internetu?
sumnjam :oops:
ali svatko je drukčiji i po ovome vidimo da je atmosfera u studiu trenutno zbilja super i opuštena, a kako Bruce kaže za martinove albume (citiram)
''nikad nisu bili ugodni za snimanje ali su bili proklete dobri''
to je mala razlika, jer bruce je nekad odlazio iz studia govoreći da više nikad neće pjevati, a sada po završetku radnog dana odlaze na piće?
(nemojte ovo shvatiti kao konstruktivan post, nego čisto kao iskru za novu raspravu)
Ivan said:
ovo zbilja dobro zvuči, samo što mi se čini da je to Bruce dosta brzo otpjevao. stvar rutine?a nitko nije komentirao ovo kevinovo pisanje dnevnika. mislim to je zbilja dobra stvar za fanove, ali mislim da se time i kevin želi približiti fanovima, ali i želi i svoj komad kolača.
on cijelo vrijeme napominje da je martin najveći, a ja se pitam bi li martin kad došao na tu odluku da piše dnevnika na internetu?
sumnjam :oops:
ali svatko je drukčiji i po ovome vidimo da je atmosfera u studiu trenutno zbilja super i opuštena, a kako Bruce kaže za martinove albume (citiram)
''nikad nisu bili ugodni za snimanje ali su bili proklete dobri''
to je mala razlika, jer bruce je nekad odlazio iz studia govoreći da više nikad neće pjevati, a sada po završetku radnog dana odlaze na piće?
(nemojte ovo shvatiti kao konstruktivan post, nego čisto kao iskru za novu raspravu)

LOL LOL kao za onaj skrim na numberu ahahahahahahaha , kako sam se strgao na to par puta.

neka , bruce i kevin znaju najbolje što im je za činit , dickie je majstor svoje klase i tu mu nitko ne može prdnut . martin ga je uvijek tjerao na njegov maksimum i tražio od njega neke stvari za koje dickinson nije ni znao da može i to je fantastično , ovo je stvanro super što kevin radi , carina