Snimanje novog albuma uskoro :D

BoBo said:
Adrian danas snima solaze. Ako ce ga snimati kao i zadnja dva albuma to znaci da je gotovo. Brze nego DOD.

Aha ... tek sam sada vidio da druga recenica moze imati drugi smisao.

Mislio sam ako ce snimati album na isiti nacin kao i prethodna dva da je glavni dio posla gotov jer je Adrian vec poceo snimati solaze. Za zadnja dva im je trebalo 3-4 tjedna.
Scream for me said:
ne se svađat nikako , to mi nije namjera nikakva , dapaće , normalno razgovaramo. you have your opinion , i have mine , that's all. al se slažemo oko toga da jedva čekamo novi album :wink: ma moj sig govori da je on već 30 god. man behind the scene. kuiš? ništa drugo i da mi je najveći uzor u životu :wink:

naravno ;)
kužim ;)
BoBo said:
Aha ... tek sam sada vidio da druga recenica moze imati drugi smisao.

Mislio sam ako ce snimati album na isiti nacin kao i prethodna dva da je glavni dio posla gotov jer je Adrian vec poceo snimati solaze. Za zadnja dva im je trebalo 3-4 tjedna.

aha, ok onda. ja sam mislio da si govorio nešto kao u negativnom smislu, sorry
Kao što i rekoh završili su snimanje pjesama u tjedan-dva i prošli tjedan (ne ovaj) su radili na solažama i ostalim dodacima.

"Diary of an album - part 2" možete pročitati na Kevinovim stranicama.
brralee neznam jeli to normlano da tako brzo sve snimaju i sklepaju....ali bi stvarnooo volija da naprave pravi dobar album, ono da mi se svidi cim ga ubacim u liniju...jer ako ti se nesvidi ono na prvi zvuk nije to to,.,, :)
CroatianTROOPER said:
brralee neznam jeli to normlano da tako brzo sve snimaju i sklepaju....ali bi stvarnooo volija da naprave pravi dobar album, ono da mi se svidi cim ga ubacim u liniju...jer ako ti se nesvidi ono na prvi zvuk nije to to,.,, :)
to sto si sada naveo je tipicno MTV izdanje......

Ja osobno volem kada mi album ne legne na prva 3-4 slusanja
Snake said:
to sto si sada naveo je tipicno MTV izdanje......

Ja osobno volem kada mi album ne legne na prva 3-4 slusanja

to je stvar osobno g ukusa i ničeg više. netko voli da mu isprve sjednu sve pjesme a netko ih voli dobro sažvakat
Scream for me said:
to je stvar osobno g ukusa i ničeg više. netko voli da mu isprve sjednu sve pjesme a netko ih voli dobro sažvakat

ja isto mislim, ali ja sam o onih koji voli postepeno otkrivati fora stvari, jer takav album možeš slušat puno više od mjesec dana. meni je to ljepota maiden albuma, slušaju se godinama, i otkrivaju stvari koje ne možeš odmah uloviti
Ivan said:
ja isto mislim, ali ja sam o onih koji voli postepeno otkrivati fora stvari, jer takav album možeš slušat puno više od mjesec dana. meni je to ljepota maiden albuma, slušaju se godinama, i otkrivaju stvari koje ne možeš odmah uloviti

potpuno se slažem , i ja sam takav da volim izvrtit album dok se ne izliže i onda ga procijenit. :wink:
Snake said:
to sto si sada naveo je tipicno MTV izdanje......

Ja osobno volem kada mi album ne legne na prva 3-4 slusanja
kada sam prvi put u zivotu cuo seventh son to me je toliko odpuvalo da sam tad totalno poludija za iron maiden....znaom tocno kakavu muziku volim slusat. i uglavmom ako mi neka pisma ne legne nakon 2-3 slusanja uglavnom ni nikad ne legne...
Ivan said:
ja isto mislim, ali ja sam o onih koji voli postepeno otkrivati fora stvari, jer takav album možeš slušat puno više od mjesec dana. meni je to ljepota maiden albuma, slušaju se godinama, i otkrivaju stvari koje ne možeš odmah uloviti
npr. ja sam u početku prebacivala sign of the cross, a sada mi je na svakoj playlisti jer sam tek nakon neznam kojeg slušanja skužila kako je stvar zakon!
Hello, Maiden fans. I'm sorry that some of you disapprove of my diary's content, and I do care, but really - what can I tell you. Song titles, NO; lyrics, NO; album title, NO - so bear with me as I attempt to interest you with the little I can share. By the way, it cost me $3000 to have you all hit my site - so that's no reason for me to do it - I don't hear a great call to sell Caveman t-shirts and soap-on-a-rope on my website. All that said - here's what happened...

Bruce came in and sang three songs over two days - very well too! He cycles in on his bike - about 4 o'clock and leaves about 8 - and we're glad to see him go when he finally packs his bags, as the last hour is always spent listening to a discourse on planes and flight patterns and various other topics that he's very well versed in! I compiled the lead vocals from about 3 - 6 tracks depending on the sections of the songs I was concentrating on. I used about 80% of the original live tracking vocal, cut when the band cut the basic tracks - and there's a magic spirit on them! The three amigos, Adrian, Davey and Jan also came in - Jan did an amazing solo - filled with his trademark "Blackmoresque" licks and some awesome wild whammy bar nonsense, Adrian did one of his note-perfect precision solos and Davey rolled out some of his fluid and flighty solos, and we have finished 3 of the 10 album tracks - AND mixed two!! Finished! FINAL MIXES! the album opener, and rocker single,and a great durgy track with an evil 7/8 groove! * We are so far ahead of schedule - Steve's bass sounds totally sick, he says he's never been happier with how the band, his bass, and the album is sounding - and I think this could be as big as anything they've ever recorded. It's definitely the high point of our relationship - that is Maiden with me producing.

And that is what happened in the studio. Bruce likes to suck on the caramel from Twix bars, after removing both the chocolate and the biscuit first; Steve eats pasta for dinner - with cream, pesto and bacon - every night! - and guards his private life strongly (adamant that he wants to keep me away from his 21 year old daughter, who is gorgeous and a really good singer!); Adrian has me scour Google maps for good fishing sites and hears tuning problems all over the place, where there are none (I think he'd even drive perfectionist producer Mutt Lange crazy); and Jan goes to the footy and on the piss with his mate, Ginger Mick, and doesn't seem to give a toss about anything. He likes to be away from home cos his wife loads him up with manual chores, which he does but hates doing! Sensibly, they like to watch their pennies, and I guess that's how you get to keep 'em. I, on the other hand, am a spendthrift! Bruce is Bruce - the one, the only! Lovable, irreplaceable, unique and an incredible voice! That's the way Maiden should be!

I work hard in the studio, and play hard. Always have - and my evenings are generally spent drinking with much younger friends, who have me pay and like to imbibe to absolute inebriation! Just last night I had to rescue a totally inebriated young lady from the London School of Economics who had gone "coma" in the ladies bathroom of the London Soho House! On tuesday, I took Drew and Alex out drinking - Drew was sick for two days, and Alex was beyond useless the next day. Pathetic! 'Arry maintains it's my fault because I took them young 'uns out - wha'evah!

And that's all - off to the studio. Tomorrow I'm going to bicycle to Brighton - about 65 miles, or 100kms - and tonight I am going to see a William Blake thingy at some gallery.

I have no new pictures, so have included this one. "Arry says his arse isn't as small anymore! It's an image from the new Ross Halfin book on Maiden, I believe!

Take care - Up The Irons!

Kevin Shirley
Caveman Productions Inc. ... ost&id=577
na boldiranom dijelu sam se ukocio od smijeha :D

pravo mi se svidja sto je Kevin spomenuo ritam 7/8 :D

a zamislite kako je ovo citati i slusati Ian Gillan - Bluesy Blue Sea (Janick svira gitaru)
Dakle jedina razlika u snimanju zadnja dva albuma i novog je da su manje vremena proveli snimajući "live" basic tracks, ali će naknadno ispraviti ono što se treba ispraviti.

Vjerojatno više nećemo ćuti kako Bruce pljuca u mikrofon. ;)