Rockhardchick666 said:
he is our yoda
he's a god. shall we act like klingins and kill our gods cause as worf said: "we killed our gods since they do less damage when they are dead than when they are alive :D"
manic said:
:shock: im ringin the RSPCA on u
ur being cruel to me

yes i do know what the RSPCA is i just say it to diss myself

I can't believe you just said that!
hah anyone know that song "their comming to take me away" ?
here are a couple of jokes. keep in mind that these are only jokes and aren't meant to offend anyone or back up rascism in any way

Q: whats a difference between a pizza and a nigger?
A: pizza can feed a family

q: how does a black woman fight criminal
a: she has an abortion

an old woman is walking through the cemetrary, she sees some man and she asks him
"excuse me can you tell me where is a grave of Jones family"
he looks at her and tells her
"why the fuck have you left your grave if you don't know how to return"

ok i'm out
Just got this email LOL .........

>> Penis Requests a Raise
>> I, the penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the
>> following reasons:
>> I do physical labor
>> I work at great depths
>> I plunge head first into everything I do
>> I do not get weekends off or public holidays
>> I work in a damp environment
>> I don't get paid overtime
>> I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation
>> I work in high temperatures
>> My work exposes me to contagious diseases
>> Dear Penis,
>> After assessing your request, and considering the arguments
>> you have raised, the administration rejects your request
>> for the following reasons:
>> You do not work 8 hours straight
>> You fall asleep on the job after brief work period
>> You do not always follow the orders of the management team
>> You do not stay in your allocated position, and often visit
>> other areas
>> You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and
>> stimulated in order to start working
>> You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your
>> shift
>> You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such
>> as wearing the correct protective clothing
>> You'll retire well before reaching 65
>> You're unable to work double shifts
>> You sometimes leave your allocated position before you have
>> completed the day's work. And if that were not all, you
>> have been seen constantly entering and leaving the
>> workplace carrying 2 suspicious looking bags.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Management
A man walked into his house with a duck under his arm and said.

"This is the pig I've been shagging".

His wife said "That's not a pig it's a duck!" :?

Man says "I was talking to the duck!" :x
