to end this men are the better gender
we have more natural strength then women
but this sometimes equals out because some(not many) women have brains
manic said:
to end this men are the better gender
we have more natural strength then women
but this sometimes equals out because some(not many) women have brains
men would die with the pain of labour...that women sometimes goes through for a day or more
Rockhardchick666 said:
men would die with the pain of labour...that women sometimes goes through for a day or more
how would u know
i havent seen chicky Jr anywehere lately
but men have to work from 16 to the end of their life whisch isnt fair
women couldnt cope with that
Rockhardchick666 said:
men would die with the pain of labour...that women sometimes goes through for a day or more
women can't judge properly about pain of labur since for 99.9% of them its the only physical pain they ever experience
manic said:
how would u know
i havent seen chicky Jr anywehere lately
but men have to work from 16 to the end of their life whisch isnt fair
women couldnt cope with that

you sure about that? women work just as hard as men, if not harder, and to say the least we get way less credit for it....and I don't have to have a kid to know most men couldn't cope with that bed, you've seen a new born baby?? yea, that just went through the mothers cunt...yea think about that one! think you could do it?
Rockhardchick666 said:
you sure about that? women work just as hard as men, if not harder, and to say the least we get way less credit for it....and I don't have to have a kid to know most men couldn't cope with that bed, you've seen a new born baby?? yea, that just went through the mothers cunt...yea think about that one! think you could do it?
since when have u seen women using heavy machinary and working in factories :|
how many of them are mechanics, plumbers etc the hard stuff in life
women mainly have office jobs if not nothing
manic said:
since when have u seen women using heavy machinary and working in factories :|
how many of them are mechanics, plumbers etc the hard stuff in life
women mainly have office jobs if not nothing
remember what i said about not stepping down to that level
manic said:
since when have u seen women using heavy machinary and working in factories :|
how many of them are mechanics, plumbers etc the hard stuff in life
women mainly have office jobs if not nothing

..don't men play with cars anyways, and I'm quite sure its not the chicks who screw up the plumbing, and I think you'd be surprised how many chicks work in factories... I know men want their space so they can feel like the alpha male, but its not like that anymore love, and it hasn't been that way in a long time, and don't make me go over there and prove to you that I can do anything you can do and ten times better

OH! and why does it look like women do less? because we do it right the first time...so bah
I personally consider Men and Women are more similar than a lot of people care to admit. And that they merely exist so that i can guide their every move, as if they we're pieces on a chess board :)

Hope that clears things up :D
Bockaaarck said:
I personally consider Men and Women are more similar than a lot of people care to admit. And that they merely exist so that i can guide their every move, as if they we're pieces on a chess board :)

Hope that clears things up :D

:P always so modest
Bockaaarck said:
I personally consider Men and Women are more similar than a lot of people care to admit. And that they merely exist so that i can guide their every move, as if they we're pieces on a chess board :)

Hope that clears things up :D
so you are the puppet master? :D