The saga of my neighbours from hell continues :x :x
Friday night 1.30 am our doorbell goes :shock: :x :x
Dog barks....we're all awake :x :x I'd only just gone to sleep so it took me hours to nod off again :x
Friday she was at the door, pissed as a fart, thought she'd lost her keys :roll: We were pissed off , but let it go.....
Saturday night....2.30 doorbell goes again :shock: :x :x :x Scared the shit out of Jake

Took ages to calm him down :x
He calms down..about 3.30 i'm sat downstairs with him while he has a telly on, can hear nextdoor talking through the wall :shock: Our walls are about 3 ft thick..loud mouthed cow :shock:
I hear "I'm bored, want something to do....might go knock on their door again in a minute" :shock:
About 4.30 she did :x :x :x
I banged on their door sunday morning...could hear her coughing but didn't answer :|
So I went home and wrote the shittiest letter ever 8) probably did better than talking to her, at least I got to say what I wanted!
Well...not seen or heard her since, neither have her neighbours the not coming round saying "what the fuck is this about" she has totally admited her guilt
Think she is scared to come out of her house now LOL curtains have been shut for 2 days LOL
sorry for the essay :err: