about Maiden in general chat

i finded that on the official french maiden forum about in a thread aboot the next tour :shock:

rockin_plumber said:
From Play.com looks promising as I sent mine back @ the weekend

Maybe I wont get a fucked copy now :banana: :banana: :banana:

Thank you for returning: Iron Maiden: Death On The Road (3 Discs) (R2)

We have arranged for a replacement to be despatched to you as soon as

I wait in anticipation :|
Here ya go :D

Maiden's European Winter tour 2006 is off to a flying start with 37,100 tickets selling out for the 3 Swedish shows within just an hour of going on sale, Bergen selling out 8,000 in just 30 minutes, Tempere 6,600 in a couple of hours and first day sales in Helsinki of over 17.000!

All in all, first day ticket sales across Scandanavia exceeded 83,000. In an effort to in some way cater for the massive demand to see the band, the promoter EMA Telstar has been able to secure a third date at Stockholm's 13.300 cap Globen for Saturday Nov 25 and tickets will go on sale the morning of Thurs Mar 2. Unfortunately there is not space in the tour schedule to add any other dates in Scandanavia.

Full tour dates for the rest of Europe are to be announced on the evening of 6th March.
rockin_plumber said:
Looks like EC for rockin then 8)
Anyone else :?
Not EC for me...I think i'm the only one that thinks the sound is crap there :oops:
My plan, for now LOL , is Cardiff and/or Manchester, Dublin and Bruce Air if i'm lucky.
Think i'm going to have to miss Paris out :( Frenchy can you come over here and see them? :D
rockin_plumber said:
How easy is Cardif Arena to get to and parking :?

Theres a hotel RIGHT by the Cardiff arena, Ive been there before.

You might be better off getting the train, as the station is right by the venue, well nearby! :P
rockin_plumber said:
How easy is Cardif Arena to get to and parking :?
Train for me and Luke would be £24 single :wink:

I have a plan forming about going to Birmingham from Cardiff...not mentioned that to mr wicky yet :err:
rockin_plumber said:
How easy is Cardif Arena to get to and parking :?

There's a multi-storey car park right next to the arena, and the Cardiff hard rock cafe often do special themed days for when big gigs are in town. it would be a great meeting place before the gig!!!
afraidtoshooteddie said:
There's a multi-storey car park right next to the arena, and the Cardiff hard rock cafe often do special themed days for when big gigs are in town. it would be a great meeting place before the gig!!!
Are you going? :D