zanimljivosti u vezi Maidena

Ovo je veæina iz Heavy Metal enciklopedije, a mislim da to pišu ljudi koji nešt znaju a mislim da ne bi sve lagali jer se bave tim, abarem ak nešt nije toèno možda je dio toèan jer GDJE IMA VATRE IMA I DIMA
Ok. ali ovo je istina jel je to Janick napisao na official websiteu. Znaš li da je steve rekao onom nekom tipu valjda producentu kad im je ponudio da se ošišaju i da imaju siguran ugovor, steve mu je rekao FUCK OFF. daj ti napiši nešt zanimljivo
Prije nogo što su snimili SIT, Bruce je došao s idejom da snime nekoliko akustičnih pjesama (ili cijeli album), što je Steve glatko odbio. Jedna od njih je bila i Tears of the Dragon.
BoBo said:
Prije nogo što su snimili SIT, Bruce je došao s idejom da snime nekoliko akustiènih pjesama (ili cijeli album), što je Steve glatko odbio. Jedna od njih je bila i Tears of the Dragon.
mislim da bi sit bio bolji da je tears of the dragon na njemu...ali opet mislim da sam jedina osoba na planetu koja misli da su maideni napravili samo jedan losiji album od njega(fear of the dark)
MaidenMadness said:
...ali opet mislim da sam jedina osoba na planetu koja misli da su maideni napravili samo jedan losiji album od njega(fear of the dark)

Hmmmmmm .... nisi. :D
Ivan said:
Ali vidite to je nepravda nitk se nije bunio na Gersa a na Blazea su zamalo išli Kolcima (poetski reèeno) vjerovatno zato jer je janick bio jako dobra zamijena za adriana, što se meni tice meni je gers draži od smitha.........
Jedno od boljih objašnjenja SSOASS:

Moonchild: The 7th son is born. Lucifer, knowing of his powers, through threats to his parents is trying to win over the 7th so as to control his powers.
Infinite Dreams: The young boy is seeing increasingly frightening dreams, which are the result of the dawning of his powers, which he does not know of yet. The nature of the dreams fills the 7th son with worries and unanswered questions.
Can I Play With Madness: The accumulating questions as well as the increasing fear drive the 7th son to ask a prophet in search of answers. The prophet understands the young boy's nature and his ignorance of his powers. Thinking of the harms they could cause if the boy were won over to the "left side", he avoids answering and tries to scare the boy away from finding any answers, threatening him that his soul would "burn in a lake of fire".
The Evil That Men Do: At this point, Satan again tries to win the 7th son to his side. He sends his virgin daughter to him as bait to lure him over. The 7th son sleeps with the virgin which leeds to "the slaughter of innocence". His awarness has become more acute and he is very close to discovering what he is.
Sevent Son Of A Seventh Son: The spiritual rebirth of the 7th son takes place. He realises his powers and the only thing remaining is to see if he will use them for good or for evel, "which path will he take".
The Prophecy: The son has chosen the good side. Lucifer again tries to win him over, this time through other means. Lucifer prepares a disaster to the village, knowing that the 7th son will foresee it and try to warn the others. Lucifer is depending on the nature of mankind, as the villagers disbelieve the 7th son and mock him. The people now turn against the 7th son acusing him that he "brought down a curse" with his false predictions. Lucifer hopes that this ungreatfulness will push the 7th son to rethink about the side he has chosen. Disaster comes, as predicted.
The Clairvoyant: Human ungreatfulness and the futility of trying to use his powers for good have taken a great toll on the 7th son's heart. As his courage is diminishing and his powers grow stronger each day, the young boy has started to be scared of them once again. he is scared that he will no longer be able to be in control of them. he prepairs to "meet his maker".
Only The Good Die Young: The Seventh Son, in his dying moments, spits at humanity's hypocrisy, foretells the doom of all and questions the purpose of his own being.
Bruceova je najpoznatija reèenica: Ne postoji Kraj, samo novi Poèetak.
Bruce je bio Europski amateski prvak u maèevanju i negdje sam proèitao da nije otišo na olimpijadu jer je bio s maidenima na turneji. A on sad vozi avion, a svaki put kad ode vozit avion njegova žena kaže da je otišao s onom limenom kurvom
Ovo sam našo:

- Bruce Dickinson often ridiculed Blaze Bayley during the Intercity Express Tour 1990, and at one particular gig, Bruce called him a "Stupid dwarf who couldn't play football to save his life"! Blaze used to join the band during 'Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter'.
Ljudi, jel ko primjetio da adrian tijekom koncerta stalno mijenja gitare. Maksimalno 2 pjesme odsvira s istom. zašt? ja baš nemam neko glazbeno znanje.
Ivan said:
Ljudi, jel ko primjetio da adrian tijekom koncerta stalno mijenja gitare. Maksimalno 2 pjesme odsvira s istom. zašt? ja baš nemam neko glazbeno znanje.

pored onoga sto je BoBo rekao, da se kurce, posto nema svak kod kuce 50ak gitara :D

al' znaju momci koje gitare valjaju ;)

Fender Stratocaster