zanimljivosti u vezi Maidena

Pakaa said:
Die With Your Boots On
Flash Of The Blade
Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner
Weekend Warrior
...dobro nemam volje dalje, you got the point.
moje mišljenje:
die with your boots on :shock: :? meni se čini da je i prečesto svirana(kao i 23:58)
flash of the blade i weekend warrior nikad svirane live, a iskreno zbog weekend warriora mi nije ni žao, ali sa tog albuma definitivno mi je žao zbog ''the fugitive''
a TLOTLDR zbilja odlično zvuči live puno bolje nego stranger in the strange land, iako bi ja kao i 90% ljudi volio napokon čut tog alexandera live
Bruceova djeca se zovu Austin, Griffin i Kia.
oprostite ako sam to već rekao prije ali sad sam stavio na wikipediu
Suspected viral marketing website seems to be reaching its conclusion this Friday (18th August) according to the latest blog entry on the site.


I feel that my search may be over.
The person who contacted me from Romania is coming to meet me.I feel that his arrival will finally give me the answers I seek regarding Benjamin Breeg. I can hardly contain myself at the thought of speaking to this man who says that he also has something else belonging to my cousin. He would not, however, be specific about what it was but he mentioned a journal. I wondered if he could mean my cousin's diary. But I could not imagine how or why this man would be in possession of Benjamin Breeg's diary.

To read the rest, click the full story link below.

I feel that my search may be over.
The person who contacted me from Romania is coming to meet me.I feel that his arrival will finally give me the answers I seek regarding Benjamin Breeg. I can hardly contain myself at the thought of speaking to this man who says that he also has something else belonging to my cousin. He would not, however, be specific about what it was but he mentioned a journal. I wondered if he could mean my cousin's diary. But I could not imagine how or why this man would be in possession of Benjamin Breeg's diary.
The same diary from whose pages I have already read? Surely this cannot be.

The man is due to arrive in this country on 18th August. I only hope that the problems caused at the airports by the terrorist alerts do not prevent him from coming.However, he was most insistant that I not meet him at the airport. He said he would come to my house (I forwarded my address to him).

He also mentioned that he would tell me all he knew about my cousin. He hinted that Benjamin Breeg had taken something from him that he wanted returned but he would not say what it was.I cannot imagine my cousin was a thief and I am sure that the man will explain everything when he arrives.

I am nervous and excited at the prospect of this meeting.There is so much about my cousin that I need to learn and I cannot imagine this man would travel so far if the trip were not in his best interests.I eagerly await his arrival.There are many mysteries to be solved and I feel that he will provide the answers I have so far been unable to obtain.I must admit to finding his need for secrecy a touch irritating.I would have been only too happy to meet him wherever he arrived in this country but he was adamant I should not. Just as he was insistant I should be alone in the house when he arrived.
Most strange though is his reluctance to tell me his name.

He says I will learn the answer to this riddle when we meet. I hope so.
As I hope to discover the truth, at last, about Benjamin Breeg.

jel ste primjetili u onom dokumentarcu o maidenima koji je izdan an službenoj stranici jedino se spominje jedan datum. kad kevin kaže danas je 12.3.
ono kao da je bilo slučajno :wink:
Ivan said:
jelste primjetili u onom dokumentarcu o maidenima koji je izdan an službenoj stranici jedino se spominje jedan datum. kad kevin kaže danas je 12.3.
ono kao da je bilo slučajno :wink:

oprostite ioak je bio 13.3, zabunio sam se
mislio sam da su namjerno prikazali radi toga što je dan prije bio steveov 50. rođendan
sad sam slučajno nešto prčkao po lime wire i vidim da je netko stavio out of the silent planet live in argentina, i idem ga ja skinut, ali sam mislio da je zezancija jer je OOTSP jako malo puta sviran live. kad zbilja je live i sada ga slušam, ali prije pjesme bruce kaže nešto u stilu: argentina, ovo je za snimanje dvd-a i zato ćemo sad svirat ovu pjesmu :?
jel tko zna šta o tome?
bobo imaš možda taj bootleg?
BoBo said:
I ne samo OOSP nego i The Fallen Angel. Naravno da imam DVD.

cool, jer dobro zvuči
btw :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
likvor našao sam slučajno sad neku verziju wasted years na njemačkoj tv iz 1986, i to je ona o kojoj si mi pričao zbilja bruce je uzeo bas, steve je na bubnjevima, nicko pjeva

falimi još 14% da se skine do kraja samo me nešto zeza, ali nadam se da ću ju skinut do kraja, predobra stvar :banana: :banana:
Ivan said:
i to je ona o kojoj si mi pričao zbilja bruce je uzeo bas, steve je na bubnjevima, nicko pjeva

Zato što su morali na playback, pa su napravili sprdačinu.
BoBo said:
Zato što su morali na playback, pa su napravili sprdačinu.

a ti to imaš od prije?
da, za ovo kaže prije njih nego voditelj u nekom studiju kao da je to Iron maiden
e pitanje u vezi ovog wasted yearsa za one koji su ga gledali:
jel tko zna zašto adrian ne mijenja s nikim instrument?
jel on nešt nadrkan ili šta mu je? nikad ga nisam vidio u takvom izdanju i baš mi se ne sviđa previše.
jedino mu pred kraj nicko nešto prčka po gitari
jedino logično objašnjenje mi je to da je ipak wasted years njegova pjesma :?
a gledaj , čovjeku se ili ne da ili jednostavno se nama čini ko da je nadrkan , pa ne mora niti on uvijek imat smiješak na licu. jebiga , to što se nama ne sviđa...jebeš
ne sviđa se meni puno toga kod postupaka nekih ljudi u bendu ali dobro...