twilightsglow said::x You want me to be specific?!? Fine!!!
The post office, Old Navy, the bookstore, and a driving lesson. :x :x :x
Watch it or you'll make him cry for days! LOL
twilightsglow said::x You want me to be specific?!? Fine!!!
The post office, Old Navy, the bookstore, and a driving lesson. :x :x :x
rockin_plumber said:Sensitiveyou should see TG's last post LOL
wicker nomad said:LMAO at the last conversation on this thread LOL LOL
MaidenMadness said:wondering why doesn't my usb light work?
yes...when i said light i meant lamp usb lamp very isn't very old i got it 2 weeks agorockin_plumber said:Is the thing plugged into it working :?
MaidenMadness said:yes...when i said light i meant lamp usb lamp very isn't very old i got it 2 weeks ago
i figured thatrockin_plumber said:Missunderstood you there........ on a different wavelength LOL
LOLrockin_plumber said:didn't read WM's post b4 I did mine
i decied to quote yor post cause my mouse pointer was closer to your post than wn'srockin_plumber said:Wondering where that post went that MaidenMadness went :?
MaidenMadness said:as obviously some ppl find personal threads disturbing i decided to delete any personal threads there are