what are you doing right now

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rockin_plumber said:

I see there is still one entitled frester on the next page though :wink:
you sure?
MaidenMadness said:
i am just doing what jon told me to do keeping order round here

:shock: Did he contact you about a certain person complaining about
a certain thread then.

I would have told her what to do :x
ppl don't get tom me that easily

i simply ignore them most of times...and that frustration accumulates and when the glass is full i relase all of my anger on somebody usually innocent. most of my friends know that and tey don't take what i say too seriously the trouble is ppl i met online don't know me so well and they can take it in a wrong way
rockin_plumber said:
:shock: Did he contact you about a certain person complaining about
a certain thread then.

I would have told her what to do :x
nope reading beetween the lines i concluded that someppl have trouble with that thread so i deleted it
MaidenMadness said:
nope reading beetween the lines i concluded that someppl have trouble with that thread so i deleted it
You shouldn't have Some people only seem to be here to lurk , then sign in to insult someone :x
wicker nomad said:
You shouldn't have Some people only seem to be here to lurk , then sign in to insult someone :x
if that was that members goal then she failed to achive it with me i am not insulted nor angry nor anything ...i would call it spite
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