the book of rockin

When you have to use the toilet in the middle
of the night, close one eye and keep it shut
for the entire duration that you have the
bathroom light on. That way, when you turn
the light off you will have one eye left that
isn't accustomed to the light and won't have
to fumble you way through the blinding darkness
back into your now-cold bed.

rockin_plumber said:
When you have to use the toilet in the middle
of the night, close one eye and keep it shut
for the entire duration that you have the
bathroom light on. That way, when you turn
the light off you will have one eye left that
isn't accustomed to the light and won't have
to fumble you way through the blinding darkness
back into your now-cold bed.

I read that from a Junior Woodchucks book.
rockin_plumber said:
When you have to use the toilet in the middle
of the night, close one eye and keep it shut
for the entire duration that you have the
bathroom light on. That way, when you turn
the light off you will have one eye left that
isn't accustomed to the light and won't have
to fumble you way through the blinding darkness
back into your now-cold bed.


I just don't turn on the lights in the first place? :?
Fool your mates into thinking you have just eaten a yummy jam tart,
simply by rubbing your belly and saying "Mmmm, that was a yummy
jam tart."

:err: I tried :D
rockin_plumber said:
Fool your mates into thinking you have just eaten a yummy jam tart,
simply by rubbing your belly and saying "Mmmm, that was a yummy
jam tart."

:err: I tried :D

rockin_plumber said:
When you have to use the toilet in the middle
of the night, close one eye and keep it shut
for the entire duration that you have the
bathroom light on. That way, when you turn
the light off you will have one eye left that
isn't accustomed to the light and won't have
to fumble you way through the blinding darkness
back into your now-cold bed.



Genius stuff, it works too! Rockin_Plumber; a voice for the people :P
Want to find out what a tiny horse would sound like?

Simply find two halves of pistachio nut shell and tap them together. :D