the book of rockin

rockin_plumber said:
And he uses that stupid writing :x

Thats another good one..........

Stupid writing is illegal :|
which one that jebus like writing
this type
of writing
where now i start talking
about something tottally different
like socks?
rockin_plumber said:
Th3 Wr1t1ng L1k3 7h15

It is banned :|
translated to english
the writing like 7his :|
u aint no leet or should i say...l33t

do you wanna dictionary which transers l33t - english old man
im bored with rockin, his advice seems to boring

i've moved on to satanism again until something else pops up
manic said:
translated to english
the writing like 7his :|
u aint no leet or should i say...l33t

do you wanna dictionary which transers l33t - english old man

The book of rockin says it is banned :|
rockin_plumber said:
The book of rockin says it is banned :|
a basic convo in l33t

Gr34t l33tN3$$?


iT 41n't s0 7rIckY.


l33t sP33k is U8er keWl 4nD eA5y wehn u 7hink 1t tHr0uGh.

1f u w4nn4be UB3R-l33t u d3f1n1t3lY w4nt in 0n a b4d4sS h4xX0r1ng s1tE!!! ;p

w4r3Z c0ll3cT10n2 r 7eh l3Et3r!


Qu4k3 cL4nS r 7eh bE5t tH1ng 1n teh 3nTIr3 w0rlD!!!

g4m3s wh3r3 u g3t to 5h00t ppl r 70tAl1_y w1cK1d!!

I'M teh fr4GM4stEr aN I'lL t0t41_1Ly wIpE teh phr34k1ng fL00r ***j3d1 5tYlE*** wItH y0uR h1dE!!!! L0L0L0L!

t3lEphR4gG1nG l4m3rs wit mY m8tes r34lLy k1kK$ A$$


l33t hAxX0r$ CrE4t3 u8er- k3wL 5tUff lIkE n34t pR0gR4mm1nG lAnguidGe$...

s0m3tIm3$ teh l4nGu4gES l00k jUst l1k3 rE41_ 0neS 7o mAkE ppl Th1nk th3y'r3 ju$t n0rMal lEE7 5pEEk but th3y're 5ecRetLy c0dE!!!!

n080DY unDer5tAnD$ l33t SpEaK 4p4rT fr0m j3d1!!!!!

50mE kId 0n A me$$4gEb04rD m1ghT 8E a r0xX0r1nG hAxX0r wH0 w4nT2 t0 bR34k 5tuFf, 0r mAyb3 ju5t sh0w 7eh wAy5 l33t ppl cAn 8E m0re lIkE y0d4!!! hE i5 teh u8ER!!!!

1t m1ght 8E 5omE v1rus 0r a Pl4ySt4tI0n ch34t c0dE.

1t 3v3n MiTe jUs7 s4y "H3LL0 W0RLD!!!" u ju5t cAn'T gu3s5.

tH3r3's n3v3r anY p0iNt l00KiNg sC3pT1c4l c0s th4t, be1_1Ev3 iT 0r n0t, 1s whAt th1s 1s!!!!!


and now for the truth
wicker nomad said:
:banana: :banana:
now then if i wanna speak unreadable hackercode then here we go:
7gfd6 678r 64fs3 48 vs54d 1v5s5vd1 nfa9s 643fs 64gds
first to uncode it and tell me what it means wins a maiden shirt
i know what it means so no smart gestures
BTW if u complain about l33t then u should never ever say n00b again
you are invading our language against your own rules
(to find out what dat stuff means enter it to a encoder) :wink:
I'll try to remember that LOL

I forgot about this there's a fair chance i'll forget that too :err:
When reheating last night's pizza in the
microwave, don't put it on a plate. Cut out a
piece of the box slightly larger than your
pizza and microwave it on that. This stops the
base getting soggy, and saves on washing up.