The all new what are you doing now thread

u wanna show down
im gonna jump the river on a uni-cycle then
while balancing beakers of acid on my head
beat dat
MaidenMadness said:
i won't accept secound place
I'm sure you'll win the war :wink:

back later
manic said:
u wanna show down
im gonna jump the river on a uni-cycle then
while balancing beakers of acid on my head
beat dat
prove you're going to do that and then i'll beat you by doing all that with my eyes closed
wicker nomad said:
I'm sure you'll win the war :wink:

back later

:shock: theres a war :shock:
i donk think im crazy just rockin said that i am
and MM arent u a little old to do stunts u might be crazy on the inside but not on the out
killers said:
you like the darkness (death, hell.......... :D :wink: )
occupation : death dealer
location: hell
intrests: maiden, death, bikin and soon i will add darkness :evil:
the dream is true