The all new what are you doing now thread

manic said:
great now i cut myself shaving
this aint my night might just crawl back to the sewers

Do what i do :) don't shave and grow a beard :D ........

I can barely see my mouth to feed myself :err:, but it saves getting annoying inconvenient cuts on your "chinny chin chin" :D

* i'm hungry :cry: *
Bockaaarck said:
Do what i do :) don't shave and grow a beard :D ........

I can barely see my mouth to feed myself :err:, but it saves getting annoying inconvenient cuts on your "chinny chin chin" :D

* i'm hungry :cry: *

im 15
i dont wanna moustache so i cut it off
but ill grow a goatie :P
the_nomad said:
Hi everyone :D

do you know that manic speak with us from hell :?

I don't know, nomad's got a point, good thing you haven't got a beard, it'd burn to a crisp in Hell :)

*don't start shaving until you have to, it sucks :( *
Bockaaarck said:
I don't know, nomad's got a point, good thing you haven't got a beard, it'd burn to a crisp in Hell :)

*don't start shaving until you have to, it sucks :( *
honestly i got a annoying moustache thing i dont like it
manic said:
honestly i got a annoying moustache thing i dont like it

Try and resist shaving it off if you can. If not, you'll just have to accept shaving every day from when you're 17, its just a pain :|
Bockaaarck said:
Try and resist shaving it off if you can. If not, you'll just have to accept shaving every day from when you're 17, its just a pain :|
ill take it from the master