The all new what are you doing now thread

the_nomad said:
bonsoir à vous mes amis, comment allez vous ?????

:beardance: :beardance:

:shock: ive been doing french for 3yrs and i dont know what u r on about
something about a donkey and a pickle i think
manic said:
:shock: ive been doing french for 3yrs and i dont know what u r on about
something about a donkey and a pickle i think
same thing as me with german
studyied it for 5 years and all i know is how to say my age and where i live
the_nomad said:
the move is on, but too tired. I don't want to see boxes during 25 years. I'll die in this one LOL .

LOL Bless you nomad, moving is hard work. But i did see the pictures of your new house, it looks great. A lovely home, very nice for you and lady nomad :)

I can imagine you sat outside in the garden with a few friends, a nice glass of wine and some simple food, talking the night away, lovely :D
Bockaaarck said:
LOL Bless you nomad, moving is hard work. But i did see the pictures of your new house, it looks great. A lovely home, very nice for you and lady nomad :)

I can imagine you sat outside in the garden with a few friends, a nice glass of wine and some simple food, talking the night away, lovely :D
nomad doesn't drink :err:
Hello everyone just breezing through :D

Aint stopping long........ this may be my last post tonite LOL LOL LOL

Maybe tomoro........... maybe not :evil:

I will return though............ like a bad smell :P
rockin_plumber said:
Hello everyone just breezing through :D

Aint stopping long........ this may be my last post tonite LOL LOL LOL

Maybe tomoro........... maybe not :evil:

I will return though............ like a bad smell :P
i always knew there was something stinky about you :P
rockin_plumber said:
Hello everyone just breezing through :D

Aint stopping long........ this may be my last post tonite LOL LOL LOL

Maybe tomoro........... maybe not :evil:

I will return though............ like a bad smell :P

LOL Hugs to you rockin :) :banana: look after the clan :D