The all new what are you doing now thread

i have
ive just decided to do the ultimate hard version of it and i cant do it
i only play em when i get bored cus i have no bro's or sis's
manic said:
i have
ive just decided to do the ultimate hard version of it and i cant do it
i only play em when i get bored cus i have no bro's or sis's

awe, an only child:( missing out on the beatings you dish out to each other then, I think I'll head over to europe and give ya some beatings to make up for it
dont know wether to be grateful or afraid
as in fighting
know your talkin
i love fighting, im always in fights :evil:
just hate people who pull ma hair, poofs actually theres only one
so ill spare u da details
manic said:
dont know wether to be grateful or afraid
as in fighting
know your talkin
i love fighting, im always in fights :evil:
just hate people who pull ma hair, poofs actually theres only one
so ill spare u da details
haha, well, just so ya know, I'm the biggest wimp possible, so even if I do punch a guy, it hurts me more :oops: but thats the way it went inbetween me and my sister
i would never hit a girl anyway :?
unless they looked like a man and i didnt know they were a girl lol

its not my fault i died RHC its that the controller is faulty

now i got think how to win.................