The all new what are you doing now thread

manic said:
yay i did it

and chicky when u think about what u said
if that doesnt scream STALKER what does
aye fack off, anywho, I'll be gone for about half and hour or so, then I'll be back right away incase ewil decides to drop by, don't let him leave before I come back!
erm..... shhhh
i was very bored
i went tempererly insane
lol shall i delete em
and dont worry chicky if ewil comes we will tell him to get lost
that is what she wanted right
Rockhardchick666 said:
aye fack off, anywho, I'll be gone for about half and hour or so, then I'll be back right away incase ewil decides to drop by, don't let him leave before I come back!

okie dokie
sorta the same here i got banned from one not too long frickin n00bs think they can do whatever they want