Active Member
babyzak said:I was a member of the MP3 hub before it broke off into this Lossless hub (This was when Maniac618 ran the Hub).
It was Maiden hub with both lossless and mp3.

babyzak said:When this hub started chat was a Blaze ( Not Bayley) all the time ,even during tour breaks. I flet like a "family" everyone here for a common love Maiden and GOOD Music, and everyone did what they could to help the cause
It's normal that we got little bit bored with bootlegs and trading.
babyzak said:I would say that maybe for the next couple weeks , anyone who has been InActive for a while,has to Reactivate there membership with BoBo.
Block access and have them PM about Re Entering.Just Like when Hub was started. Im not saying don't let them in, just review there contributions and there devotion to the HUB
I had similar idea in my mind last few days. Not only me to decide, but group of 5-6 hub members.
babyzak said:Like I said earlier there are 30-35 who always give, and Im not talking about Stuff ( which is always good), but give there TIME and EFFORT
24/7 and don't ask fo much back expect the other people to do the same