Revision of membership

I will update the list if I have missed someone. Tapers and filmers are with at least few bootlegs.

AcesHigh - taper
babyZAK - DVD releases, shares lots of requests
BoBo - taper, DVD releases
bubba420 - Megadeth trader
dan_maiden - filmer, DVD releases, artwork
dropdeadfreds - taper
ead666 - DVD releases
EdHunter - without his share and connection would be much harder
Funnyx - filmer, DVD releses
Gebs - filmer, taper, mastering
hmc_777 - taper
Inquizitor - DVD releases?
iron_casv - DVD releases
ironcross - taper
iron-lord - taper
KillEmAll - Metallica trader
LiquidGraceProductions - filmer, taper, mastering, DVD releases
maidensp - DVD releases
Maxwell - DVD releases
Metalgman - Dio trader
Metalgod1982 - Judas Priest and Metallica trader
n1ghtr1der666 - taper
Paule - taper, DVD releases
RogerChapi - adds information to MWL
Stefan - contributed to some DVD releases
TheClansman - taper, DVD releases
thrash_ar - Megadeth trader
Some infos :

Inquizitor ==> DVD releases
ironphil ==> french legend :D
maidensp ==> DVD releases & tapes transfers
Maniac618 ==> DVD release (Dublin flight)
Metalgman ==> Dio trader
MetalWarrior883 ==> Taper
Paule ==> DVD releases, taper
Stefan ==> contributed to DVD releases
clansman_1982 said:
MaidenEssex is a taper too.

Yes, but he doesn't come to the hub so it doesn't matter.

Inquizitor ==> DVD releases ......... I meant releases as transfers, re-editing and similar. DVD releases from trades are on previous lists
ironphil ==> french legend :D ......... i thought it was you ;)
maidensp ==> DVD releases & tapes transfers ......... I should add him
Maniac618 ==> DVD release (Dublin flight) ......... only one dvd
Metalgman ==> Dio trader ......... I'll add him, but he hasn't came to the hub since problems with MP.
MetalWarrior883 ==> Taper ......... I know, but it's only one just like babyzak or bequick
Paule ==> DVD releases, taper ......... he is MIA too :)
Stefan ==> contributed to DVD releases ......... i should write something similar then
BoBo said:
Yes, but he doesn't come to the hub so it doesn't matter.

Inquizitor ==> DVD releases ......... I meant releases as transfers, re-editing and similar. DVD releases from trades are on previous lists

He made VHS transfers + authored DVD if my memory is good :

- Buenos Aires 2001 : here's his notes :
" I converted this from a VHS tape that I have of this show. The original VHS was recorded from a TV broadcast from Buenos Aires.
It was played through a 4-head Hi-Fi VCR and recorded to a DVD using iLo DVD recorder.
I originally created the artwork for the VHS case, but then I converted it to fit a DVD case (sorry for any errors).

Inquizitor "

and maybe one other
About Babyzak, i think that he released (transfered & edited) more than 1 DVD :

- NYC '87 i think
- 2000-08-27 Saint Paul
- 2004-01-31 New York MTV2 Headbangers Ball
- Babbling Bruce Vol 1
ead666 said:
About Babyzak, i think that he released (transfered & edited) more than 1 DVD :

- NYC '87 i think
- 2000-08-27 Saint Paul
- 2004-01-31 New York MTV2 Headbangers Ball
- Babbling Bruce Vol 1

There is already "DVD releases" near his name.
Hey you all friends,

I have been a quite big contributer / helper in here the last times (as many others of you know). For what I have seen is that I have got in contact to great Maiden friends that will hopefully become last for many years. I think that your thought is good to revise the membership if relating to the amount of contributings/tapings etc. From my side, I can not share so much I could have wished as done in the early days due to the authorities in Sweden (they told now that they might ease this law, unclear when it is said to be done).

Hope you will understand my view of point. But if it is anything you are asking for, just drop in a message to me.

BR iron_casv
i'm not in this hub for a long time but i'm #11 on all bands classement and #17 on Maiden...

I think that a revision of the hub is necessary, many hubbers don't do anything for the hub and IMO they must banned from the hub!!!
cause when the new tour will begin they will leech and go away...i'm sorry but as many hubbers i'll tape maiden and share any new boots with you allmy friends...IMO that's a fucking HUB!!!
These lists are just for information, not to create competition between hub members. Although it seems that liberal "regime" in the hub creates lethargy and lazyness, so little competition, like in real capitalism would probably create more beneffits and increasing of amount of new releases. But I don't want to do it.

If we have more then 1600 Maiden releases and ~90 members that would give us ~18 releases/person. Of course we can't compare value of taping and filming the show with trading, or DVD transfer, editing, mastering, .... I don't want to make table with values for everything. We are not in insurance business. Everyone should have sensation of has he done enough for the bennefit he gets from the hub.

It's not easy for me to say someone he wont have access to the hub anymore. Bootlegs wont come here by themself. Someone has to bring them and we should have repsect for everyone who is working hard to bring them here. There are two ways to solve the situation: changing habbits or making members list smaller.

When it's shared we just have do few clicks and in few hours bootleg is on our computer. Compare this just to trading without mentioning spending money on taping gear, taping process, mastering, ...
I don't want to make any competition my friend, it's just to compare with others people who didn't even share one boot...

they are many people whi trade and share with all of us, this is good but for people who don't share anything, never and just download everything they can found, here, there is a big pb and I don't think such people deserve a place in the member list of the hub...btw this is just my opinion...
theclansmen said:
I don't want to make any competition my friend, it's just to compare with others people who didn't even share one boot...

That comment was not for what you have said. I would quote you. :)

It was just general comment on current situation.
Yes Bob, i know what you mean. It is not so easy. Taking the decision to limit the number of hubbers (ban ?) is very hard... But maybe other solutions exists ... Maybe a solution between the 2 you mentionned Bob..
Maybe we could establish an "acceptable" ratio of sharing per month (or per 2 months) for example... All people who don't reach this ratio could be banned for 1 or 2 weeks...
But it would be unfair for people who shared so many stuff in the past .. maybe, in a first step, it could be applied to hubbers who shared less than 5 recordings but not these last months ...
Some warnings could be PM first, and then, if warnings ignored, then hubber would be banned for 1 or 2 weeks.

We all know who is making the hub lives or not. People who share bootlegs coming from trades, people who share their masters, people who share requests of other hubbers, people who are sharing their releases (DVD etc..), people bringing a lot of infos about Maiden and sharing these infos on main chat, etc ... All these hubbers should not be concerned by this system of ratio IMO ...

The main goal of this solution would be to make understand to every hubbers that it is their hub, and so, if they want to keep on having a living hub (?), it is their responsability to do their part of the work, and not always letting other hubbers working for them. If they don't get this point, they have nothing to do into the hub ... and should go leeching elsewhere ..

Maybe it is a bad solution .. i don't know ...

But if we want to make a change, decisions must be taken and action done ...

If we stay on a status-quo, well, i think that little by little, the hub will die and people who use to share regulary will go elsewhere ...
All I can say is that i've shared some exclusive nice dvds to the Hub
wich is not the same as (for example) boots from other bands or just audio transfers from existing dvds (even official ones). And of course my list of dvds is as always available to anyone via request.
Numbers are OK but i think is a question of quality not quantity.

I will accept every final decision.
as bob said
its too difficult to define what is really "contributing" or not
someone that has shared 3 "special ultra rare" dvds or 2 or 3 master recordings could think he has done too much already for the hub sharing that.. and if you say "you wont come here anymore" the person will get insulted and bash the hub for everyone.. and thats bad

a share ratio would be ok, but 1 master in 2 months would be the same as 1 "traded" dvd in 2 months? need to think about it
danmaiden said:
as bob said
its too difficult to define what is really "contributing" or not
someone that has shared 3 "special ultra rare" dvds or 2 or 3 master recordings could think he has done too much already for the hub sharing that.. and if you say "you wont come here anymore" the person will get insulted and bash the hub for everyone.. and thats bad

a share ratio would be ok, but 1 master in 2 months would be the same as 1 "traded" dvd in 2 months? need to think about it

Yep Dan, it is quite difficult. That's why we have to try to find solutions ..
But i don't think that there are problems with people bringing masters here ;)