now thinking

I realized the red line intersects with the brown line at a couple stops so tonight I transferred trains and got home quicker than usual. From start to finish was 45 minutes. :cool:
That was getting lucky with train times. I waited 5 minutes for the red and 0 for the brown. It could take longer if it was a different day or time.
Bought new jeans yesterday. I was standing in the store smelling them like a weirdo err.gif They really need to stop using the dyes that smell like poop. I found 3 pairs in my size and one pair smelled really strongly of it. I bought the ones that didn't smell.
Is it a full moon??? There are some real godamn weirdos out tonight. A shoplifter tried to attack my coworker and this dude on the train kept changing seats and trying to talk to me. I told him I was busy and he went to the seat behind me, so I got up and left at that stop.
The retail job gave me a dollar raise. That's not bad but it's still not enough. neutral.gif

Today one of my coworkers at the seasonal job asked what union I was in. She was surprised when I said I wasn't. I'd like a union job! They have way better pay and actual benefits. I'm just not sure what I could do though. I'm really limited without a car and being a really anxious driver.
Took a walk with the cat in the stairwell. We got up to the second floor apartment, her favorite, but then we heard snuffling right behind the door. The neighbors got a yappy dog. It kind of sucks because my cat likes to explore the stairwell and now we can't do it late at night.