now thinking

wicky said:
Happy anniversary for yesterday LOL

thanx :D

How's the ceiling work going :?

bloody hell, what a shitty thing :x :x there's no place between beams and you pass 2 hours and have the sensation to do nothing :x :x

I hope i did something :err:
well i haven't been posting much anywhere lately and this forum is no different. dunno why. no special reason for it just..i dunno.lack of will to post perhaps? wouldn't know. i dunno what i did with the timei saved up though. my social life is as it has been for some time now - decent, could be better but its far from non existant. i didn't fill my time with something useful like studying or reading an interesting book. i've even cut down on amount of music i listen. its not like i've started catching up on many dvds of movies, cartoons and series i have to watch. its not like i've started plaaying computer games again cause for the last 5 years the amount of computer games i play keeps going down. its not like i've invested that time in pleasurable things like sleeping. so one thing that comes to mind is this. so it remains a real mystery what did i do with all the time i saved up?

i came here from time to time to see what was going on. anyway what i couldn't help thinking is this. if rockin doesn't have anybody to talk to about football why doesn't he join some football forum as well then? :?

one more thing that comes to mind is this. how come there's never anything new on here. as if everybody carrys on with their life but nothing ever changes here. same old stories, same old conversation. a well known deja vu feeling is what i get when i come here. its not a new feeling its been like that for at least a year. and even when some new users join they just blend into that same old routine without bringing in some freshness...
as if some kind of space-time anomaly is spread around not just this forum but every single forum. all forums need new ideas. mods should work hard to think up of new ways of keeping some forum fresh and interesting. like competitions and a winner gets banned for some time. that would be nice. mods should also start fights from time to time just to keep the place interesting but not too often or they'll get boring as well. admins should do less work on security as well. a hacker that fucks up a board from time to time is also a welcome change. and users should vary the lenght of their posts. it get really boring when someone writes only short posts which consist of like one sentance but it also gets borging really fast if some user writes only long posts like this one. also adding new skins for the forum from time to time would help as well. fresh visual appearance of the board can make a boring forum interesting for a while.

one more thing that comes to mind is just an observation. i noticed that from time to time i write long might flow posts. just place down everything that goes on through my mind. i never actually stopped to ask myself how many people actually find these interesting. very few i would say but there are rumors that i was wrong at times but as far as i'm concerned they have never been proven.

also one thing i fond very intersting is that queue in my torrent client is getting very different kind of data lately than it usually does. i usually download only music. interesting thing is that currently i have 0 music torrents on queue. out of 8 torrents which need to be downloaded 7 are documentaries and 1 is the episodes of dark horse comic's conan series i don't have. i wonder why is that. is it some subliminal sign that i am sick and tired of downloading shitloads of music i listen to once or twice and that never really gets into my head. before i had access to high speed internet for free on collage it was very hard for me to get hold of music i like. so when i got hold of something i listened to it shitloads of time. for example i heard the wall album so much times that i known every riff in every song alomst every lyric and stuff like that. but now those sort of things are gone. i can't force myself to listen to something so many times. maybe i have been spoiled by mp3's and free wireless lan access....
Thats really strange.. Where does all MM's spare time go :?
Cant be arsed to join a footy forum...
I am a member of the Official LFC forum...
But too many assholes on others IMO....
It may be the same here... but maybe thats why we keep coming back 8)
rockin_plumber said:
Thats really strange.. Where does all MM's spare time go :?
Cant be arsed to join a footy forum...
I am a member of the Official LFC forum...
But too many assholes on others IMO....
It may be the same here... but maybe thats why we keep coming back 8)

If it ain't broke...... :D
MaidenMadness said:
but nothing ever changes here. same old stories, same old conversation. a well known deja vu feeling is what i get when i come here. its not a new feeling its been like that for at least a year. and even when some new users join they just blend into that same old routine without bringing in some freshness...

... when you know that it feels deja-vu... ;)
feels like i've been here before ;)
MaidenMadness said:
well i haven't been posting much anywhere lately and this forum is no different. dunno why. no special reason for it just..i dunno.lack of will to post perhaps? wouldn't know. i dunno what i did with the timei saved up though. my social life is as it has been for some time now - decent, could be better but its far from non existant. i didn't fill my time with something useful like studying or reading an interesting book. i've even cut down on amount of music i listen. its not like i've started catching up on many dvds of movies, cartoons and series i have to watch. its not like i've started plaaying computer games again cause for the last 5 years the amount of computer games i play keeps going down. its not like i've invested that time in pleasurable things like sleeping. so one thing that comes to mind is this. so it remains a real mystery what did i do with all the time i saved up?

one more thing that comes to mind is this. how come there's never anything new on here. as if everybody carrys on with their life but nothing ever changes here. same old stories, same old conversation. a well known deja vu feeling is what i get when i come here. its not a new feeling its been like that for at least a year. and even when some new users join they just blend into that same old routine without bringing in some freshness...
as if some kind of space-time anomaly is spread around not just this forum but every single forum. all forums need new ideas. mods should work hard to think up of new ways of keeping some forum fresh and interesting. like competitions and a winner gets banned for some time. that would be nice. mods should also start fights from time to time just to keep the place interesting but not too often or they'll get boring as well. admins should do less work on security as well. a hacker that fucks up a board from time to time is also a welcome change. and users should vary the lenght of their posts. it get really boring when someone writes only short posts which consist of like one sentance but it also gets borging really fast if some user writes only long posts like this one. also adding new skins for the forum from time to time would help as well. fresh visual appearance of the board can make a boring forum interesting for a while.

seriously MM, what do u wait for about a forum :?

I don't wait about this forum that it change my life or something else.
I read newspaper, I watch TV (movies, serials, documentaries, news, some crappies tv shows), I speak with missy or with friends about life .

That's all. I just come here coz it's a nice place to laugh or just jokin about simple things. No need always important things here.
And you know, serious forums are boring often after a short time.

This place is cool. You can tell when you just come to fart LOL or everything else 8) .

And we like you and you're welcome :wink:
Frenchy said:
seriously MM, what do u wait for about a forum :?

I don't wait about this forum that it change my life or something else.
I read newspaper, I watch TV (movies, serials, documentaries, news, some crappies tv shows), I speak with missy or with friends about life .

That's all. I just come here coz it's a nice place to laugh or just jokin about simple things. No need always important things here.
And you know, serious forums are boring often after a short time.

This place is cool. You can tell when you just come to fart LOL or everything else 8) .

And we like you and you're welcome :wink:
Aww sweet :)
Frenchy said:
seriously MM, what do u wait for about a forum :?

I don't wait about this forum that it change my life or something else.
I read newspaper, I watch TV (movies, serials, documentaries, news, some crappies tv shows), I speak with missy or with friends about life .

That's all. I just come here coz it's a nice place to laugh or just jokin about simple things. No need always important things here.
And you know, serious forums are boring often after a short time.

This place is cool. You can tell when you just come to fart LOL or everything else 8) .

And we like you and you're welcome :wink:
yeah i know all that too.
i lead a life, hang out with my friends whole day i go out get pissed i watch documentaries mostly etc tec all that and when i need to spend some time i go online to various forums. i don't expect it to change my life. its just,,,sometimes chanes can be nice. they can bring a new laugh or two. something i didn't feel on any forum as a matter of fact for a long time now.