Following the after-show party at the music awards, Kylie Minogue, Robbie
Williams, Gareth Gates and Will Young are walking down the street.
They've all had a few drinks and suddenly Kylie trips over and gets her
head stuck in the railings.

"Wa-hey!" shouts Robbie and grabs her by the ass, pulls down her
knickers and starts fucking her from behind.

"Oh Yes!" shouts Kylie, loving every bit of it.

After Robbie finishes, he shouts to Gareth, "Your turn next" so Gareth
unzips his pants and says, "Oh yes K-K-Kylie you're so S-Sexy and I'm
going to f-f-f-fuck you" and he does just that.

Kylie is having a whale of a time and after Gareth is done she cries
out "More! I want more!"

"Come on Will," says Robbie, "Your turn next." Then he notices Will is
crying. "What's the matter?" asks Robbie.

Sobbing, Will replies, "I can't get my head through the railings!"

There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Chinaman, and it's the morning
of their first day working on this building site. The gaffer is trying to decide
where to put each of them, so he says, "Do any of you have any
experience operating a crane?". The Englishman raises his hand, so the
foreman says, "Right, I think we'll start you off on the crane, then". He
turns to the Irishman and the Chinaman, "Either of you any good at
building walls?". "Why, I'm a dab hand at brick-layin', so I am", says the
Irishman, and off he goes. Now he has to decide where to put the
Chinaman. "You look like a pretty smart fella actually, so I think I'll put
you in charge of supplies".

Later in the day, the gaffer spots the Englishman and the Irishman taking
their tea-break, and he goes over to speak to them. "You're doing a
grand job so far lads - listen, have either of you seen the Chinaman? I've
been looking for him all day". They both shake their heads, so he heads
off back to his office. Just as he's getting there, the Chinaman leaps out
from behind a big pile of sand and yells, "SUPPLIES!!!"
There was a man who really took care of his body. One day he took a look in the mirror and noticed that he was tan all over except for his penis. So he decided to do something about it. He went to the beach and got completely undressed and buried himself in the sand, except for his penis, which he left sticking out.
Two old ladies were strolling along the beach, one using a cane. Upon seeing the thing sticking up out of the sand, she began to move it around with her cane, remarking to the other lady, ''There is no justice in this world.'' The other lady asked what she meant.

"Well, when I was 20, I was curious about it. When I was 30, I enjoyed it. When I was 40, I asked for it. When I was 50, I paid for it. When I was 60, I prayed for it. When I was 70, I forgot all about it. Now I'm 80 and the damn things are growing wild and I'm too old to squat!"

re find that in my photobucket LOL LOL LOL

paint works from killy (don't remember if i already put this pic in here)

Imagine if all major retailers started making their own condoms and kept the same tag-line…

Sainsbury Condoms – Making life taste better

Tesco Condoms – Every little helps

Nike Condoms – Just do it

Peugeot Condoms – The ride of your life

Galaxy Condoms – Why have rubber when you can have silk

KFC Condoms – Finger licking good

Minstrels Condoms – Melt in your mouth, not in your hands

Safeway Condoms – Lightening the load

Abbey National Condoms – Because life is complicated enough

Coca Cola Condoms – The real thing

Ever Ready Condoms – Keep going and going

Pringles Condoms – Once you pop, you can’t stop

Burger King Condoms – Home of the Whopper

Goodyear Condoms – For a longer ride, go wide

FCUK Condoms – No comment required

Muller Light Condoms – So much pleasure but where’s the pain

Halfords Condoms – We go the extra mile

Royal Mail Condoms – I saw this and thought of you

Andrex Condoms – Soft, strong, and very very long

Renault Condoms – Size really does matter

Ronseal Condoms – Does exactly what it says on the tin

Ronseal quick-drying condoms – It’s dry and waterproof in 30 minutes

Domestos Condoms – Gets right under the rim!!!

Heineken Condoms – Reaches parts that other condoms just cannot reach

Carlsberg Condoms – Probably the best condom in the world

AA Condoms – For the 4th emergency service

Pepperami Condoms – It’s a bit of an animal

Polo Condoms – The condom with the hole

The Manchester United Condom……………………

One Yank and your whole world falls apart
for lunch, missy made some burritos :err:

and she cooked them with some red beans :err:

but she forgot a thing, the work started now for frenchy LOL LOL LOL