I just got told off by an Indian gentleman in a call centre LOL
He wanted to know if I had loft insulation & cavity wall insulation...
I informed him I had loft but no cavity insulation...
This made him perk up LOL
So he said Mr Rockin (not my real name :wink: ) how do you spell your first name..
I said.. M R
He said no you missunderstand your first name Mr Rockin...
M R........ I replied again...
Then he informed me that this was a serious call and it was being recorded LOL
I then asked him how he was going to get the cavity wall insulation into my walls as it is an old house and there is no cavity.
I was then reminded that it was a serious call and all calls are recorded... he was very stern :err:
He then said I have been wasting his time LOL
I informed him he was wasting my time and not to call again :suck:
This call went on for about 15 minutes as I made him keep repeating himself coz I didnt understand him :evil: