express your anger here

wicky said:
Somehow mr wicky has managed to drive it up behind the house, sterring with a wrench :shock:

We've had a better look at it, looks like they tried to get in the drivers door first and couldn't ( or someone came along and they had to move) then got in the passengers door, they've fuked the lock and the handle up, and scratched the paintwork :x

Looks like i'm very lucky i've still got a car!!

This makes me so angry :x :x :x
wicky said:
Somehow mr wicky has managed to drive it up behind the house, sterring with a wrench :shock:

We've had a better look at it, looks like they tried to get in the drivers door first and couldn't ( or someone came along and they had to move) then got in the passengers door, they've fuked the lock and the handle up, and scratched the paintwork :x

Looks like i'm very lucky i've still got a car!!

Were the Police Interested? :|
Ben said:
Maybe it was your old driving instructor :err: LOL

Only messing :P

How much do you think it will cost to repair?
Thanks Ben LOL

Not sure, I won a new steering solumn on ebay, but looks like I got the wrong one :oops: I'm lucky that mr wicky will be able to fix it...when I get the right part :err: So hopefully not too much :)

I'll be selling a steering column for an astra soon if anyone's interested :err:
btw I did check with mr wicky before I bought that one that it was the right one...he said it was, so it's his fault :|
Sorry to hear about your car Wicky, that's feckin rubbish :|

To be honest i have got totally fed up with the decent of British society in to bloody selfish, unreasonable and down right criminal behaviour.

I know there are a lot of good things and good people out there but they seem harder to find than ever before. I know my grandparents said the same sort of thing to me whan i was younger but here goes "it wasn't like this in my day..." :|

I don't know for definite why society seems to have taken a turn for the worse, i can ony make a guess at it. I'm not going to type what i think as of course its only an opinion and we all have one of those.

But i have to say its the kind of thing that makes me seriously consider moving abroad to somewhere like Hong Kong or Singapore or Japan where there really is minimal crime, i'm just bloody sick of the state of this country. I'm not going to to lay the finger of blame on any one part of society, community or area as there are a lot of contributing factors :|

Thanks Bocky :wink: My blood is still boiling :x I honestly don't remember being this angry before :shock: Only thing that i'm thankful for is that I put the steering lock on, I get the feeling if I hadn't I wouldn't have a car at all now :|

They've got crap taste in music too...the only thing that was in there was my SIT tape ( I take my mp3 with me and take it home again)

They didn't steal the tape :shock:
Bockaaarck said:
But i have to say its the kind of thing that makes me seriously consider moving abroad to somewhere like Hong Kong or Singapore or Japan where there really is minimal crime, i'm just bloody sick of the state of this country. I'm not going to to lay the finger of blame on any one part of society, community or area as there are a lot of contributing factors :|


I don't know if it's still the same over there, but I heard somewhere that in Japan, when you pass your driving test you are issued with a number plate that stays with you your whole life. Which is also entered in a database that has public access. That way, there is very little road rage, cos' if someone cut you up you simply go home look up their address and pay them a vist in the middle of the night :evil:
afraidtoshooteddie said:
I don't know if it's still the same over there, but I heard somewhere that in Japan, when you pass your driving test you are issued with a number plate that stays with you your whole life. Which is also entered in a database that has public access. That way, there is very little road rage, cos' if someone cut you up you simply go home look up their address and pay them a vist in the middle of the night :evil:

That could be handy :evil:
I was with Beth a while ago in Liverpool, and some scally dickheads started throwing stones at me and her :| people dont do anything about it, its shocking, what has this country came too, cant even go shopping without being verbally/physically threatened for looking slightly different :|
Throwing stones though :shock:

What pisses me off is its slowly starting to become acceptable behaviour :|

When I go on the train somewhere and theres a gang of teenagers I dont want to look up in case I get a knife put in me for my troubles :|
Ben said:
Throwing stones though :shock:

What pisses me off is its slowly starting to become acceptable behaviour :|

When I go on the train somewhere and theres a gang of teenagers I dont want to look up in case I get a knife put in me for my troubles :|

I know what you mean.

Up until now I have never worn a stab vest for work, but recently I've been giving it serious consideration. :|


Sorry for that outburst :err: but still :x