express your anger here

MaidenMadness said:
settle down there
it not your computer's fault you can't pass that on-line driving test....women just aren't good drivers :D :P
I know that should be a kick in the nuts...but I can't cos that made me laugh LOL :err:
rockin_plumber said:
I always advise people buying a TV with a DVD or VIDEO built in against
it as if one goes wrong then the other half isnt really any good.

What did I do 16 months ago.....
I bought a Sony DVD, VIDEO combi unit. :oops:

Now the fukin DVD half wont read fuckin discs :x :x :x
Fuckin crappy combi units :x :x :x
Never again :|


I paid £130 for this..... a bargain as the shops had it for £175


Gonna cost £120 to repair the fukin DVD :|

I now have a VCR/DVD combi unit which is staying a VCR :|
fuck fuckl fuckl fuck fuck fuck fuck!
:x :x :x :x :x
time for my weekly report on hajduk :x :x :x :|

only 1 bloody 1 draw AGAINST MEDJIMURJE
FFS i mean medjimurje this is only their 2nd season up in the 1st leauge :|
EVER :x :x :x :x :x :x