express your anger here

MaidenMadness said:
oh right didn't rant in this thread for ages so here comes one

right so now i am at the third year of university
and from 6 subjects i have this semester there is one called architecture and organisation of computers
today i had first laboratory practice from it

god damn it
3 bloooody full hours(as in 180 minutes)
on fridays from 5 to 8 pm
there are 3 cycles of those practices and you have 3 weeks to do assignments from that cycle

right that shouldnt be a problem...but it is

they give you a blooody large manual, computer which was probably used in stone age and you're off
you have got 3 weeks to do following: learn how to use linux
learn how to program microchip you're working with in that cycle
solve 2 problems
learn how to write documentation re that cycle
write documentation about that cycle
learn something cause the proffesors will interogate you when you hand in your documentation
all that on every friday from 5 to 8 pm
:x :x :x

the worst part is that on normal classes we're doing something completley different than what were doing in the laboratory
they have absolutely nothing in common
and the classes are fuckin :zzz: :x :x :x :x

and I can't wait that someone again ask me while I don't want to go on the FER.
The actor is my intereseted, and I'm gonna be an actor
Frenchy said:
oO second league is not so far :err:
I always advise people buying a TV with a DVD or VIDEO built in against
it as if one goes wrong then the other half isnt really any good.

What did I do 16 months ago.....
I bought a Sony DVD, VIDEO combi unit. :oops:

Now the fukin DVD half wont read fuckin discs :x :x :x
Fuckin crappy combi units :x :x :x
Never again :|
Today in bjelovar was some lesson in planetarium and there was a profesor from the France. all his lesson he was speaking french and one translator was translating every his sentence, but the translatot was very silent and I couldn't heard anything. :x

few minutes after the lesson, I saw that French profesor when he was speaking with some other profesors from croatia BUT ON ENGLISH.
Why was he talking everything on french coz he knows english? :x
bloody mods on imm
dont want to change the name of my thread fro our spirits are imprisoned in croatian thread part III
the albartoss brings the bird flu to the croatian thread part III

as another life said

politically im not sure its so wise at the mo since....
