express your anger here

I need a laptop :x

Everytime I go sort Jake out or even go for a pee Mr WN nicks the puter :x :x :x

and when I get it back, everyone has gone :|
wicker nomad said:
I need a laptop :x

Everytime I go sort Jake out or even go for a pee Mr WN nicks the puter :x :x :x

and when I get it back, everyone has gone :|

:grouphug: I'm still here, and as per the laptop.. I learned how to pee within thirty seconds :D
wicker nomad said:
My hair is pissing me off :x :x :x :x

I'm trying so hard to grow it long's got to the horrid length where it's sticking out all over the fukin place :x :x
Mines is at the stage where it's always in your eyes :|
lazy fuckers :x :x :x :x
how long can it take to correct and post online about 120 tests :x :x :x
i have been waiting since 17:00 gmt+1
whats fuckin wrong with them
:x :x
MaidenMadness said:
lazy fuckers :x :x :x :x
how long can it take to correct and post online about 120 tests :x :x :x
i have been waiting since 17:00 gmt+1
whats fuckin wrong with them
:x :x

your a impatent bastard is whats wrong
Rockhardchick666 said:
excuse me why I play the worlds smallest violin

:x Stupid blood preasure is stupid high :x

Glad i know about it now though, as i can do something about it :D

:x still makes me :x though :x
i am a fuckin idiot :x :x :x
i failed my test...i needed one more assignment to pass......but i am an idiot cause i knew the assignment and still solved it wrong cause i didnt look very good and overlook the fact that alpha + beta is two in that case and thus solved it for the case alpha and beta have any value they can possibly have :x :x :x :x :x
Bockaaarck said:
:x Stupid blood preasure is stupid high :x

Glad i know about it now though, as i can do something about it :D

:x still makes me :x though :x

haha this reminds me of a story....

I got so baked out of my mind on e night, about three days later, I end up getting such a migraine from it that I couldn't see anything but this white pulse in my eyes..... so I go to the hospital for the simple fact I was blind, my blood pressure showed that I should be haivng a heart attack its so high, and then they knock me out right before taking blood tests, me freeking out cause the weed is still in my system and my parents would kick me out if they ever found out... anyways, alot of bull, and a shitty story