Metal legends Iron Maiden's new album A Matter of Life and Death has not only been released to enormous critical acclaim across the globe but has also resulted in some of their highest chart placings ever. In addition to their Number One chart debut on the Billboard Pan-European Chart the album has now debuted at no.9 on the Billboard USA Chart on their US-label Sanctuary Records and at no.2 in Canada.

This is the band's first ever US Top 10 entry in their long and illustrious history and a remarkable achievement, this being their 14th studio album. The album is also No.1 in the US Independent Album Chart. It has even crashed in at No.4 in the official album chart in India which is far and away the highest placing any heavy rock act has ever achieved in that country...

Band founder Steve Harris comments; 'We really enjoyed the process of making this record and were delighted with the reaction. It’s very gratifying that our fans all over the world seem to agree by supporting us so strongly. We are now very much looking forward to the forthcoming tour and intend to play live as much of the album as we feel works in the set. This tour will be very different to the last one in terms of the songs we play and we will very much enjoy the challenge of playing this new material live.'

Manager Rod Smallwood adds; 'This is great news for the band, especially – finally - a Top 10 US Billboard entry. During the 80s we had six straight million-plus selling Platinum records and all of these would have been at least Top 10 under Soundscan with three or four probably debuting at No 1. Having said that though we are very pleased to finally make it and this, along with great sales all over the world and number one in Europe, really is a testament to Maiden's and Metal's ever increasing popularity. We very much look forward to starting our World Tour in the States and Canada in early October and if ticket sales are anything to go by it will be quite an event for our fans over there.'

Maiden's Top 10 US debut comes hot on the heels of the band's No.1 album in Europe on Billboard’s pan - European chart with nine No 1 and eighteen Top 5 chart entries in Europe alone. First week sales in the UK were also at their highest since 1990. In just the first week the new album has shipped over a million copies Worldwide and impacted on the charts pretty well everywhere in the World.

Next month the band start A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH WORLD TOUR which takes them initially into major arenas through North America, Japan and most of Europe with the majority of the dates already sold out. They will play to over half a million fans over 44 shows in 11 weeks in 18 countries.


# 1 Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Greece, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Brazil
#2 Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Hungary, Columbia
#3 Chile
#4 UK, Austria, Spain, India
#5 France, Ireland, Arabia
#6 Iceland, Belgium
#7 Holland
#8 Denmark
#9 USA
#10 Mexico
#11 Portugal, Japan
#12 Australia
#15 Hong Kong
#16 New Zealand
Snake said:
oh axy, come to the dark side.... we have big bunny and the evil carrot :D

Nemoj ti meni, ja ću snimat thrash horror gdje će glavni negativac bit veliki ljubičasti zeko, a povod njegovu ubilačkom pohosu bit će to šta mu je netko oteo mrkvu.
Zvat će se : Labinski masakr podivljalog zeca. Something like that. :D

(ne pitaj me niš - bilo je to jedno pijano veče :D )
Snake said:
# 1 Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Greece, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Brazil
#2 Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Hungary, Columbia

I od 15 zemalja na ovom popisu koncert će održati samo u njih 6. :roll:
BoBo said:
Lucifer je Sharon. :o


:D :D :D :shock: :D :D :D
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Serbian Be@st said:
Ima li neko ko bi se mogao malo detaljnije pozabaviti pesmom Lord Of Light ?
Lyrics mi nikako nije jasan, koliko god poqshavao da ga protumachim. ;)

gle jedino objašnjenje je da ga nema. to ti je pjesma pisana najviše od starne bruce-a dickinsona, poznatog po tome da je i napisao pjesme 23:58 i revelations. pjesme su ok, ali nitko ne zna šta je on zapravo htio reći. meni je početak pjesme Lord of light jako sličan početku revelationsa, jer je isti stil. tako da sam odmah precrtao shvaćanje pjesme. pjesma je ok, ali ne gubi vrijeme na shvaćanje lyricsa jer ćeš puno više saznat ako pročitaš neki od intervju-a o albumu
Maiden croatia said:
sve dok ne dođem ja sa nekim od svojih književnih prijevoda i sve ne objasnim
ma da, ali svejedno je to tvoj mišljenje (isto kao što si mislio da si benjamin breeg :D) a šta je zapravo bruce mislio nitko osim njega ne zna
Ne... ne vjerujem. U bruce-ove misli i njegov tok misli se samo treba ući. Bez uvrede, njegovi su tekstovi za intelektualce i načitane osobe... Ne kažem da ti to nisi, niti da ja to jesam, no takvi će ga ljudi lako razumijeti...
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Ivan said:
poznatog po tome da je i napisao pjesme 23:58 i revelations. pjesme su ok, ali nitko ne zna šta je on zapravo htio reći.

2MTM je o centrima moći u svijetu koji odlučuju o ratu i miru.
Revelations je vrlo teška za shvatiti što je točno Bruce htio reći, ali djelovi govore o vođenju ljubavi, začeću i rođenju.
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BoBo said:
2MTM je o centrima moći u svijetu koji odlučuju o ratu i miru.
Revelations je vrlo teška za shvatiti što je točno Bruce htio reći, ali djelovi govore o vođenju ljubavi, začeću i rođenju.

ma shvatim ja poantu. ne mislim ja da 23:58 govori o prvom spuštanju na mjesec, ali ju ne mogu shvatit kao druge pjesme. a revelations mi je kompliciranija
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Ivan said:
ma shvatim ja poantu. ne mislim ja da 23:58 govori o prvom spuštanju na mjesec, ali ju ne mogu shvatit kao druge pjesme. a revelations mi je kompliciranija

Zato što koristi simbole iz religija, magije, društva, ... Ako te takve stvari interesiraju onda ćeš i lakše shvatiti što je htio reći. Ako te ne zanimaju onda te neće biti briga što je sa svakim stihom htio reći. Mene naprimjer to niti najmanje ne zanima.
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BoBo said:
Zato što koristi simbole iz religija, magije, društva, ... Ako te takve stvari interesiraju onda ćeš i lakše shvatiti što je htio reći. Ako te ne zanimaju onda te neće biti briga što je sa svakim stihom htio reći. Mene naprimjer to niti najmanje ne zanima.

ma mene zanima, ali ne toliko da bi odvojio 2 mjeseca života da bi odgonetnuo, usporedio sa intervjuima i ta sranja
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Ivan said:
ma mene zanima, ali ne toliko da bi odvojio 2 mjeseca života da bi odgonetnuo, usporedio sa intervjuima i ta sranja
Onda pročitaš na maiden commentary i sve OK!;)
ma da, mislim niti mi je to najbolja maiden pjesma, ali je ok. i slušam ju zato što mi je glazba fora, a i riječi. a razumijem ja riječi samo što ne shvaćam dublji smisao, a mogu i ja jednom to ne znat

kad svejedno znam da ću jednom saznat
Čim uspijem.... Ploča je za razliku od neinvetivnog bookleta Death on the roda poprilično lijepa, picture diskovi su super, ima nekih još neviđenih fotkica, poput medvjedića, ili što je već ono, a zanimljivo je da se na ploči vide detalji omota, poput pločice na Eddieovoj košulji. Što na njoj piše, otkrijte sami. Povećalo u ruke i na CD.