zanimljivosti u vezi Maidena

MaidenMadness said:
pa inace sluzbeno konzervativci su desnicarski orijentirani za razliku od ljevicarski orijentiranih laburista

Mislio sam od komunistickog mentaliteta.
joj sory ali o politici nemam pojma. a i ne zanima me previše. (nisam mislio da je bruce komunist) ali mi je èudno zvuèalo ''partija''
Paul trenutno živi u Brazilu, a Steve ima kuæu u portugalu i neki birc koji se zove Eddie's bar
Charlot the harlot postoji, ime joj je High Hill Lil i ona je bila stara prostituka (ne znam jeli još i danas).
legenda je Walthamstowa a taj dio londona deèki valjda znaju (ja ne).
Postoji i Accacia avenue, a ta se ulica zove Markhouse Road, a to je prije nego uðete u Leyton (tamo je živio paul Di'anno)
KOLIKO SAM ÈUO.... Biti æe još jedna stvar.....

P.S. Ono što imamo doma je nemasterizirana verzija albuma, netko ga je valjda ukrao....... Ima mali milijun grešaka i produkcijski je nedotjeran, tako da kad bude za mjesec dana gotov, oèekujem savršenstvo.

Album je valjda najbolji do sad, a najviše mi baca na Balls to piccasso i veže se na Chemichak wedding. Nešto zmeðu ta dva albuma sa primjesama chemichala.

Super album....

Najlošiji dio mu je intro, no on relativno kratko traje... :-)
i danas je 25 godinaod izdavanja Iron maidena, sada mi se neda ponovno po drugi put pisati, ali ako koga zanima odite u iron maiden dio ovog foruma pogledajte pod temom ''it's number 25''
ovo je sa maiden fans site:'The Sheriff Of Huddersfield' was kept secret from Rod until after the "Wasted Years" 12" had been released. No-one was to mention it to him, play it to him or even let him see the cover. It was one of the biggest secrets in the music industry at the time. If he'd have found out before the release, he'd have destroyed the singles. A similar thing happened with the release of the "Be Quick Or Be Dead" single six years later.

- From the 1990 Guinness Book Of Records: "Largest PA system: On Aug 20th 1988 at the Castle Donington 'Monsters of Rock' Festival a total of 360 Turbosound cabinets offering a potential 523kW of programme power, formed the largest front-of-house PA. The average Sound Pressure Level at the mixing tower was 118dB, peaking at a maximum of 124dB during Iron Maiden's set. It took five days to set up the system."

- "I've actually got about an hour of it, (Footage from the Ruskin Arms 1979) so it's interesting to watch. The sound's not too bad, considering it was done on a home video. It was filmed by a mate of Dennis's, I think. I've got one copy, which is like gold dust, if I lose that, then that's it. They're good memories. But there was one thing we were upset about. Vic (Vella, early member of road crew) had some black and white stuff from the days when Doug was in the band and we wanted to use that, but his bloody kids had taped over it. I was gutted, he had us pissing up the side of the truck and everything." - Steve Harris

- In 1989, a teenager in Sofia, Bulgaria, released the Dark Avenger virus that destroyed data and contained references to lyrics from metal rock band Iron Maiden, including "Eddy lives ... somewhere in time." and "Only the good die young..."

"I've got audio tapes that go right back from '76, not right from the first gigs, but from the days when we used to play places like the Bridge House. They're a bit dodgy. There's a version of 'Purgatory', which was then called 'Floating' and it had an arrangement that was a bit different. I've also got a tape of my very first band, Gypsy's Kiss, of us at the Cart and Horses. It might have been the first gig we did. There's a song called 'Endless Pit' which later became 'Innocent Exile'. The tapes exist, but I never play 'em to anyone!" - Steve Harris

- On 5th Sepember 1983, Maiden played at Kingswood Music Theatre in Toronto. Rod was in his hotel room the night before and heard on the radio that there was going to be an Italian wine-tasting festival in the park. However, Iron Maiden fans were told to go through the back door and miss out on the chance to use the fun fair beforehand (a benefit which is normally included in the ticket price). Fuming that their fans were being treated as 2nd class citizens (it turned out that Culture Club fans the day before had been allowed to go through the front despite the wine festival being on then, too), Rod got his record company guy out of bed, and by 3am they had tracked down the promoter, who was told in no uncertain terms that if Maiden fans had to go through the back door, the band wouldn't play. Of course, the promoter hastily changed his tune quickly thereafter.

During the No Prayer On The Road tour, the band used to play songs while Bruce was introducing the members. They always played a cheesy tune for Nicko, followed by Laurel & Hardy, then Janick would get The Hornpipe. The band used to play the "Steptoe & Son" (UK comedy show) theme tune during 'Drifter' on the World Piece Tour.

Paul Di'anno used to be fond of telling people he was a North Sea oil rigger, which was of course not true

- The live version of 'Remember Tomorrow' on the "Number Of The Beast" single is actually the 1981 Maiden Japan version with Bruce's voice dubbed over Paul's.

- Martin Birch said once that, during the recording of "The Number Of The Beast" album, he crashed into a bus full of nuns one Sunday on the way to the studio, and that the bill for the repair of his car was £666.66!

- Nicko's first appearance in a Maiden video was as the mad monk in the 'Flight Of Icarus' video, where he wore blue face make up and a cloak.

- The "yo yo yo" part of Drifter is a spoof of The Police's big hit 'Walking On The Moon'.

- Following The Number of the Beast’s triumphant reign at the top of the charts, the NME asked for an interview. The NME was and remains completely anti-rock, so Maiden agreed to do the interview as long as it was solely on their terms, i.e. printed in a strict question and answer format (to stop misquoting and misleading), and that they got the front page. NME eventually reluctantly agreed, and sent forth their most notorious interviewer Paul Morley to interview them (he got pretty drunk during the interview as well). However, Bruce’s and Steve’s responses were far more intelligent than he had expected, so he couldn’t really ‘take them down’ in the interview, and eventually Eddie himself appeared on the front page.

- Nicko jokingly said once that, on the Japanese Heavy Metal Army 12" EP, it says "PRAY ROUD" ("Play Loud") on the cover

- Martin Birch's nickname on the "Seventh Son..." album is "The Disappearing Armchair" because Dave Murray was showing Martin magic tricks in a hotel room late one night, and Martin was getting puzzled by all the tricks, and he suddenly jumped up and went, "I know a good trick, it's called the disappearing armchair trick!" and he threw his chair out of the window of the hotel room-ten storeys up!!!

The Venezuelan cover of the "Maiden Japan" EP shows Eddie holding Paul Di'anno's decapitated head.

- When Iron Maiden were going over the final details of the Donington '88 performance, they decided to play a joke on Maurice Jones, and phone him up and tell him they wanted to hire Concorde to fly over and tip its nose at the concert below. He believed it for a while! What made him think they were serious was when they said the local flight controllers need to know whether it will be flying clockwise or anti clockwise. What made him realise they were joking was when they said, "So who do we make the £74,000 invoice out to?"!

Dave Murray was once fishing in LA, and the police came up to him and looked at him, kicked his bait box over and pinned him to the floor. They said he matched the description of a man who robbed a shop and killed the shopkeeper. They held Dave against the wall, and it took some time before the police realised they'd got the wrong man. By this time, there were helicopters above them, police cars surrounding them and policemen pointing guns. After they'd gone, they'd found the real culprit, and shot him down.

Formula One refused to show the 'Can I Play With Madness' video because the German station thought that it was the band's representation of God. They later showed it, but the band joked to them, "It's not God. It's Rod!"

Iron Maiden's first concert was on the 17th May 1976 at the Cart & Horses pub in London, England

- "As soon as someone else said, 'You're good but you should go more commercial,' or, 'You're good but you should cut your hair,' we just said, 'Oh, all right,' and walked out." - Steve Harris

- At the end of 'Still Life', you can hear Nicko say "Yeah! That was fucking great!"

When the band were recording the "Powerslave" album in the Bahamas, in the summer of 1984, they kept experiencing unexplained incidents in the studio-sudden and inexplicable equipment failure, the breakdown of the air conditioning-which continued to disrupt every time they worked on the title track. When the air conditioning suddenly stopped working, the guys who came in to fix it brought this step-ladder with them, and stood it in the corner of the studio while they worked on the broken a/c system. "The funny thing is," Nicko says, "The minute the step ladder was set up in the room all the rest of the recording equipment suddenly started functioning properly! I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's what happened... and we all started staring at this step ladder and ribbing each other going, 'It must be the step ladder-it's shaped like a pyramid!' I tell you, we didn't let them take that step ladder away for days!"

The talking at the end of 'Black Bart Blues' was out-takes from the "Seventh Son" album, and was added at the end of the track without Nicko's knowledge. When the band played it back to the EMI big shots, Nicko was wondering what was going on, and all the band and the EMI men were cracking up laughing!
Ono u Poljskoj bilo je poèetak, no u njemaèkoj se nažalost nastavilo. Rulja je skandirala da želi èuti Fear of The dark na što im je Bruce odgovorio i izazvao žestoke polemke na Maiden forumima:

'If you don't like this song, you don't like Iron Maiden. In fact, if you don't understand this next song, you might as well just fuck off and die because there is no reason for you to be here watching this band tonight.'

Vaši komentari???
prije koje je pjesme to rekao, svejedno ga podržavam 100%, tko ne zna da je fear na 9. albumu ne treba ni doæi na koncert, ja možda jesam maiden freak ali i on i rod imaju potpuno pravo, rod se šalio u dnevniku ali ljudi PA ALEXANDER JE NA 7. albumu. to nisu maiden fanovi

stojim uz brucea :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Maiden croatia said:
nemam pojma jesu li èestitali, a ono je rekao prije phantom of the opera...
ma šit, ja cijeli dan imam osjeæaj kao da je 6.6, a ne 5.6. DANAS MU JE ROÐENDAN