What do you know????

can't be determinated. cause if he shaves only ppl that shave themselfves he can't shave himself bet then he should shave himself cause he shaves only all the man that don't shave themselfves. so there is really no answer
MaidenMadness said:
can't be determinated. caue if he shaves only ppl that shave themselfves he can't shave himself. but if doesn't shave himself then he should shave only all the man that don't shave themselfves

MaidenMadness said:
can't be determinated. caue if he shaves only ppl that shave themselfves he can't shave himself. but if doesn't shave himself then he should shave only all the man that don't shave themselfves
I think this should have been in the unanswerable questions thread :?
MaidenMadness said:
cool now i get to ask the question :evil:

if a barber in one town shaves all man that don't shave themself, does barber shabe himself or not?
this would be a lot easier if the barber were a woman
founders of the differential computation were
pierre de fermat - french mathematician and poet
sir issac newton - english mathematician and physicist

and one famous mathematician and philosopher.

which one?