Thinking to myself........
"For some reason, i feel like i've really pissed my girlfriend off. Not that she's said i have, or not becuase i've done anything i can think off. But i've obviously done something, cos that's the "feeling" i get :?
I also know that asking..."Have i done something to piss you off or upset you, i'm sorry if i have, please let me know....." Is a waste of time, because i won't get a straight answer, eg:
"Yes you have pissed me off, we we're supposed to go away this weekend...blah, blah ,blah...."
"Nope, i've just had a shitty day at work, so and so's been a real idiot...."
"I'm a bit hacked off you said we would go to this dinner party, i'm not that keen on them. And i was hoping we could go out to dinner on Saturday....."
There's no hope is there

, she won't tell me because she doesn't want to "hurt my feelings", where as that's exactly what she's doing
Oh well :?