LOL yesewil said:Get a room...
LOL yesewil said:Get a room...
MaidenMadness said:can i watch?
MaidenMadness said:come on say some weird stuff that happened to you.
i'll start. my parents wanted to send me to psychiatrist,
Cyrus said:I had group cybersex last night with certain IM BB members LOL
Well THATS weird... LOLCyrus said:I had group cybersex last night with certain IM BB members LOL
SexyDevilGirl said::shock:
You did? Wow! that must have been fun!
:bananabang: :bananabang:
There's always the loner at the 'party':bananarock:
SexyDevilGirl said:I was just reminded of a few weird things. My stepfather used to work for a moving/storage company here in Hollywood. Sometimes the rich/famous people he dealt with did not have actual cash to tip him or my ex. (they worked together). So the rich/famous people would give them stuff. I got a gorgeous vanilla white dresser that was appraised as pure Maple (rare nowadays) and when we stripped it-it was pink! Turns out it was once in the 'Pink Palace' owned by Jayne Mansfield.
Another time this guy gave my stepfather some signed glossies of a band he knew. When my stepfather gave them to me they turned out to be the band Poison. I told him to take them back-because that band sucked. When he did and handed them back to the guy he told the guy "She doesn't want them. She says this band sucks" The guy's response ? "That's too bad-I'm the drummer". LOL
SexyDevilGirl said:I have another good one. My stepfather came home one day and told me that some customer he has dealt with quite a few times gave him something for me. I told him to just toss it 'cause it's probably worthless. He was pushing me into checking out the 'object'-so I caved and went to the wherehouse to check it out. It turned out to be a prop used on stage by Danzig! A huge steer-skull! It was almost 6'x6' .
I was like :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Cyrus said::shock:
Trade lives with me! :x
SexyDevilGirl said:I wouldn't even if I could. And so I won't tell you about Tarantino :err:
Cyrus said:You wouldn't want to be a student in his prime age, living in London? Okay, I'm not very goodlooking and I'm considered to be a looser, but can't get it all![]()
Tell me about Tarantino! :x
SexyDevilGirl said:I would love to be student again, it was so :bananarock: :bj: :bananabang: :drunk: :zzz: :beardance: :edsmoke: :guitar: :grouphug: :drum: :breakdance:
But I'm too old. :|
And you are not a loser and you are good looking. But I digress- I've met Tarantino many many times . He frequents the restaurant I used to hang out at (know the owners). He's pretty cool-has a Sammy Davis Junior kind of manner. He even tips big. Heard him talk about movies enough to know some of his projects before the public. (Now that man is ugly).
Cyrus said:How come everybody says being a student is so :bananarock: :bj: :bananabang: :drunk: :zzz: :beardance: :edsmoke: :guitar: :grouphug: :drum: :breakdance: :?
It's been nothing but:cry: :edmad: and :cross: for me!
And 28 is not old! :roll: :roll: and another :roll: for the road!
You are so fucking lucky! You know that?! I would KILL to have your life! It sounds TOO fucking exciting!
This is making me depressed! :x
SexyDevilGirl said:I didn't mean to make you :x . I know the student life can be hard. Hell-I had to put myself through college. It's not easy going to school, working, and taking care of a sick relative-but I did it. No one should suffer the life I've had though. It's been extremely rough -believe me. Most people who have gone through the things I have kill themselves. But everyone's life is hard. I try to make the best of it. And try to help other improve their lives. :banana: