Unanswerable Questions

MaidenMadness said:
i wasn't joking
tomorrow I will post a pic of my dog when she was a puppy....I can't imagine anyone even thinking about hurting such a sweet animal :shock: :x
wicker nomad said:
tomorrow I will post a pic of my dog when she was a puppy....I can't imagine anyone even thinking about hurting such a sweet animal :shock: :x
you don't know what i am capable of imagining
wicker nomad said:
tomorrow I will post a pic of my dog when she was a puppy....I can't imagine anyone even thinking about hurting such a sweet animal :shock: :x

You're hound dog looks lovely from the pic i saw :D
Bockaaarck said:
You see, the idea of the "would you rather" game is to make you think :)

For example, you might be asked "Would you rather sleep with Brad Pitt or Harrison Ford?"

Or "Would you rather lose a leg or an arm?" or would you rather be Lee Harvey Oswald or President J.F Kennedy?"

It doesn't matter if you're man, woman, young, old, black,white, asian, diasbled, blind, tall, thin..........

Even as a man, if i "had" to provide an answer to the Brad and Harrison question, the idea is to get you to think about it :)

I'd rather sleep with Mr. Ford :bananabang: Lose an arm (my left)- I only need the right one to poke, pick, write, wipe, and scratch.



How could any one want to hurt her?!
i am not saying i WANT to hurt her i simply would have no trouble hurting her if i wanted to. but i would have some trouble hurting the cat on 2nd picture
MaidenMadness said:
depends on what is the alternative

If you think realisticly, nobody would threaten to kill you if you didn't.

But things like that happens to kids, and if they don't do certain things they will be bullied. So let's say that's the alternative...that you'll be bullied if you don't
Cyrus said:
If you think realisticly, nobody would threaten to kill you if you didn't.

But things like that happens to kids, and if they don't do certain things they will be bullied. So let's say that's the alternative...that you'll be bullied if you don't

if that is alternative then i wouldn't. why would i kick an innocent dog just cause some asshole has a need to build up his authority? i would kick the bully instead
Bockaaarck said:
Sometimes we paly a game at my local hostelry called "would you rather"

Here's one for you all to try ( i got asked this the other day, it was really hard to answer :( )

"Would you rather....... Lick a dirty, crusty,smelly tramps arsehole, who had crabs and piles....or....kick a puppy to death?"

:? :( :shock:

Would it have to be a full on deep lick or could you just use the tip of your tongue :?