The Member Diary

i'm studying at the moment... and for the last 2 weeks LMAO..
Have a huge national history exam do pass ;) exam is on tuesday (yes, tomorrow!!!) blah.
anyway, i went out on saturday night (and friday and thursday LOL) ... it was GOOD ... check it out ;)

first of all, my friend Leon who has A THING with aliens (sees them everywhere)

after that, their concert (not aliens, my friends LMAO)


and after that, party on the beach LOL

this week my plan is --- studying, apssing exam and going out ! LOL
thanx, should go i've been killing myself studying for the past 2 weeks ...

work hard, party harder! LMAO
Good night last night, in short this is what happened..

I owned the guy whos party it was (Fuckin Phil LOL), I picked up his guitar, started playing, he got stroppy because hes been playing 5 years and I'm better than him already, Ive only been playing 6 months LOL

Some horrible, ugly girl tried stealing my Kiss badge off my leather, so told her to fuck off, she didnt take too kindly too that, so I put her shoes out the window :evil:

Went for a pizza 8)

Played more guitar 8)

Got bored at 3 AM, so decided to go to a friends house nearby and he let me sleep there, legend :) made me bacon butties this morning too, and watched some wrestling, old school! :D

All in all a good night
Ben said:
Good night last night, in short this is what happened..

I owned the guy whos party it was (Fuckin Phil LOL), I picked up his guitar, started playing, he got stroppy because hes been playing 5 years and I'm better than him already, Ive only been playing 6 months LOL

Some horrible, ugly girl tried stealing my Kiss badge off my leather, so told her to fuck off, she didnt take too kindly too that, so I put her shoes out the window :evil:

All in all a good night

and did the girl re find her shoes LOL LOL

btw she don't have to steal you Kiss badge :evil:
I had to call out the gas board tonite.
Our gas meter sprung a leak on the seam :|

They were here within 45 minutes and changed it.

Well done Transco finally someone does summit right :|
woke up at 9 am local time
went to coffee with my friends
went to drink 2 beers with my friends
came home
ate lunch
wasted some time
watched varteks - some albanian side match in uefa cup 1st qualifying round
ate supper
explained to some people how 1-1 with an albanian side isn't embarassment but a sad reality of croatian club football
posted some posts on maiden-world
started writting this post
finised writting this post
MaidenMadness said:
went to drink 2 beers with my friends
started writting this post
finised writting this post

LOL MM btw good morning
just finished browsing MC website, trying to find some informations ;)
have an exam at 11:00 am
gonna catch a bus after that
eat lunch
then i'll go ride for a while
go outside tonight

LOL this is a future member diary ;)
axy said:
LOL MM btw good morning
just finished browsing MC website, trying to find some informations ;)
have an exam at 11:00 am
gonna catch a bus after that
eat lunch
then i'll go ride for a while
go outside tonight

LOL this is a future member diary ;)

Good luck with your exam axy :D
Had a lovely day :D Jake's at respite and luke's out...watched the race :zzz: then my sister and her better half and baby turned up unexpected, but nice :D Afternoon drinking cider in the sun 8) finished off with chicken and chips :banana:
Start 'training' for my job tomorrow :err:

Sitting in a room for 3 hours lifting boxes is my guess :|

How much training to do you need to be a Shelf Monkey? :|
Ben said:
Start 'training' for my job tomorrow :err:

Sitting in a room for 3 hours lifting boxes is my guess :|

How much training to do you need to be a Shelf Monkey? :|

Stock rotation and all that i spose :err:
I gave myself a title, either..

Executive Shelf Management

Executive Shelf Organisation Manager

woke up at 8 am
lazed around till 8.30 am when i got dressed and went to the shop to buy bread, miner water and sports newspaper.
at 8:50 departed for a caffee bar just by my collage to meet my friends for a coffee. stopped by the pastery and bought 2 croissants for breakfast
9 am ate my breakfast
9:10 am started drinking my coffee
9:40 am ordered a beer
10:30 am payed my drinks and left the coffee bar
11:30 am went with my friends to smoke weed
3 pm ate lunch
3:30 pm had a nostalgia trip as i watched old episode of he man and the masters of the universe (outstanding cartoon which i grew up on along side classics such as looney tunes, whole old cartoon network programme listing(see the anger thread for a rant on that))

did nothing notable since then(the usual means surfed the net for a while, played football manager 2006, ate supper, took a bath)

10 pm continued with nostalgia trip when i watched yet another old episode of he man and the masters of the universe

somewhere around 11 pm went online and changed the avatar and signature on this forum to reflect my nostalgia trip and started writting this summary of my day