Cyrus said:Looks like this idea just went down the drain Sanctuary won't/can't support us
Frester said:I knew they would'nt but I think we should still try and help Beetle make a gig
Cyrus said:Yeah! But someone responsible must organize it
Cyrus said:LOL
Were you serious?
Frester said:You are trustworthy and I am serious but it is up to you if you want to take the job on
Beetle said:Guys seriously this is one of the nicest things I have ever seen any one do. You guys truly are the best!! I would really hate to take your hard earned mone thouh, it just wouldn't be right.
I made an enquiry about flight costs to Japan in February and I think i'll be able to get there for around $1200 Australian which is around 600 pounds I believe. So i'm going to save my little arse off to see if I can get over there!!