The all new what are you doing now thread

Bockaaarck said:
Cos the little fecking trick or treaters keep ringing my door bell, and by the time i get the rifle loaded they've gone :x :x :x

so keep your rifle by the door. and when they ring on your door and say trick or treat you take your shotgun hold it and say trick :D
Bockaaarck said:
But then thats probably cos i'm a miserable shit :D :banana: :D
No you're not :wink: I totally agree....I fuckin hate it :x

The other thing I hate is twice tonight, none of the kids that knocked on our door were older than 7 :shock: What the hell is the matter with the parents letting kids that young out on there own in the dark :? :x :|
hello new member gunslingerjoe. may i just call you joe for short? :?
i just taken a bath. i meant to take it this afternoon but i decided to treat myself to dinner and cigarette instead
I seen SAW last night. Scary as hell.... :shock:
But then again, I'm scared of clowns and maybe you'll not find it scary, VERY violent and confusing and wierd and twisted and sick
The#2RY said:
I seen SAW last night. Scary as hell.... :shock:
But then again, I'm scared of clowns and maybe you'll not find it scary, VERY violent and confusing and wierd and twisted and sick
you're a weird man :D