The all new what are you doing now thread

I've found out that the IM BB is less enjoyable these days, what with all these people who thing they are musical geniouses (?), analyzing solo's and whatnot to DEATH, stating that this or that member is crap etc.

I've never thought how those people can call themselves fans. And what's funny is that those people have gotten into Maiden in the past 10 or so years. The hardcore fans who've been into Maiden longer just enjoy the music more, rather than analyze stuff.
Cyrus said:
I've found out that the IM BB is less enjoyable these days, what with all these people who thing they are musical geniouses (?), analyzing solo's and whatnot to DEATH, stating that this or that member is crap etc.

I've never thought how those people can call themselves fans. And what's funny is that those people have gotten into Maiden in the past 10 or so years. The hardcore fans who've been into Maiden longer just enjoy the music more, rather than analyze stuff.
i've been into maiden as long as i can remeber and the only way i analyse a band is wheather i like the song or not :|
Cyrus said:
I've found out that the IM BB is less enjoyable these days, what with all these people who thing they are musical geniouses (?), analyzing solo's and whatnot to DEATH, stating that this or that member is crap etc.

I've never thought how those people can call themselves fans. And what's funny is that those people have gotten into Maiden in the past 10 or so years. The hardcore fans who've been into Maiden longer just enjoy the music more, rather than analyze stuff.

I have to agree old friend. There are a lot of nice people on the IMBB, and some really good fans. However i have noticed that people seem to post the same old fecking stuff, again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again..............., its shite :| and its boring.

The same old arguements, for example, has anyone on this board really said "Kin Maiden :x :x :x they aren't playing in a place right outside my front feckin door, who do they think they are :x :x :x " Not as far as i can see. I do feel for the Australian fans, but they never know, they may well get a 2 month mini tour later in the year, along with Japan and the rest of Asia (and hopefuly soemthing similar for the US and other countries)

I get sick of people who post "Does anyone know if Maiden are going to play a gig in the "UK/USA/SPAIN/RUSSIA" for feck's sake, like other people on the BB are going to know any more than they do, why not wait for an official announcment :roll: It drives me to distraction :x

"Blaze is better than Bruce", "Nicko's better than Clive", "Paul's going to come back to the band", "I don't like Jannicks playing", "Metallica suck.."

:roll: :roll: :roll: Sorry, but i'm not feeling very charitable at the moment. I sometimes wonder why Khan bothered doing that FAQ (Which i think is excellent by the way).

I'm really tempted to start a thread titled something like "Maiden fans, is this you?"

And then in the body of my post write something this:

"I saw a man walking down the road outside my house yesterday. He had a head, two arms and two legs, does anyone know who it was???"

feckin clowns :x :x :x

Well :) , that's my rant over and done with :D LOL LOL LOL
This is what i mean:

Bruce is a TRAINSPOTTER! ( 1 2 )

How many threads on this have there been on the IMBB in the last 4 weeks :roll:
manic said:
:dodgy shake head smiley: what have they done this time
