The all new what are you doing now thread

Rockhardchick666 said:

If you're looking forward to going back to school, then no reason :) I just thought you might have been having to much fun getting together with your friends to head back to school.

What stuff have you got coming up this school year? :?
Bockaaarck said:
What stuff have you got coming up this school year? :?
:oops: alot of sports, and I'm in a high school now, and my sister to say the least made a mark there before she got expelled from there, so I have already gotten calls from the school saying that I'm on a shorter fuse then the rest of the kids because "they know my kind" meaning my sister..... we'll see the hell I can silently cause :evil:
Bockaaarck said:
:) If you get a chance to come over to Europe, seize it with both hands, there's loads of cool stuff to do over here :D
me and my friend already have plans to move to europe when we graduate.....but I kinda still want to go to university, but if I have to pay for an could be very impossible
Rockhardchick666 said:
me and my friend already have plans to move to europe when we graduate.....but I kinda still want to go to university, but if I have to pay for an could be very impossible

you are most welcome :D :wink:
Rockhardchick666 said:
me and my friend already have plans to move to europe when we graduate.....but I kinda still want to go to university, but if I have to pay for an could be very impossible

where exactly would you like to go in Europe?
Rockhardchick666 said:
me and my friend already have plans to move to europe when we graduate.....but I kinda still want to go to university, but if I have to pay for an could be very impossible

Get the University bit sorted, i think that's a good idea. Having said that you could always go to University in London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona Prague, Brussels etc etc :D :banana: :banana: :banana:
Bockaaarck said:
Get the University bit sorted, i think that's a good idea. Having said that you could always go to University in London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona Prague, Brussels etc etc :D :banana: :banana: :banana:
hmm, I wonder if its cheeper there
Rockhardchick666 said:
:oops: I can't decide, GB area, or france area.....

They are both very nice.....except that if you decide to go to Paris or London you must be prepared for VERY HIGHT prices!