The all new what are you doing now thread

wicker nomad said:
All alone :( even all the lurkers have gone :shock:
im here i was makin a smiley
ta daa
now im alone
if MM posts about 50 messages tomorrow he will take rockins place in the top ten spammers i mean posters
rockin_plumber said:
Goin to bed now :zzz:

Sorry but I'm gonna leave you with manic now wicky LOL

G'nite to you both....... and to chicky who has been here for over 30 minutes
now and hasn't posted :?
yea, haha I forgot to close my window when I went for a run..whoops
I'm back at work, after spending a lovely time on the Isle Of Wight with my girlfriend, watching the yachts and sailing vessels

well, its going well, my shoulders might be a bit sore today....I must dred my friends hair.....and its almost as long as mine :|

and how bout your bocky?
Rockhardchick666 said:
well, its going well, my shoulders might be a bit sore today....I must dred my friends hair.....and its almost as long as mine :|

and how bout your bocky?

I'm doing ok, at work :(

Had a lovely weekend away, which was nice. Its good to have a change of pace and location every now and then. Have you been playing a lot of football and stuff :)
Bockaaarck said:
I'm doing ok, at work :(

Had a lovely weekend away, which was nice. Its good to have a change of pace and location every now and then. Have you been playing a lot of football and stuff :)
aye indeed I have, our season is over, but a team called me up and wants me to play for them in a big tourniment comming my season isn't quite over yet..... :| its actully never over, because in a month, my winter soccer starts