The all new what are you doing now thread

Rockhardchick666 said:
aye indeed I have, our season is over, but a team called me up and wants me to play for them in a big tourniment comming my season isn't quite over yet..... :| its actully never over, because in a month, my winter soccer starts

You must be doing something right if they want you for a tourniment :) Besides, you enjoy playing soccer :D :banana:
Rockhardchick666 said:
hah yea that too, of course I don't have that much sympathy for peope at work, they get paid for being there,

I'm not paid as much as i'm worth, but i suppose its an ok wage. And i quite like my job anyway :D
Rockhardchick666 said:
LOL :shock: you go through all websites blocking and allowing them?

There are some exclusions set up via an enterprise wide tool we have that monitors Web access. Its just to prevent people looking at things they shouldn't, or exposing the business to sites which might try and harm our network.

Its more relaxed at lunch time, so people can browse a bit more. But its to stop people ordering things from "Viagra Are" or "" :err:

Its for their own good really, and its not the only thing i do all day :)
Bockaaarck said:
There are some exclusions set up via an enterprise wide tool we have that monitors Web access. Its just to prevent people looking at things they shouldn't, or exposing the business to sites which might try and harm our network.

Its more relaxed at lunch time, so people can browse a bit more. But its to stop people ordering things from "Viagra Are" or "" :err:

Its for their own good really, and its not the only thing i do all day :)

good idea too......I think our school has that, but we can always find a way through
Rockhardchick666 said:
:P they shouldn't be so easy to get through.....cause if you get an internal suspention, you have days to figure out the computer works

LOL glad to see you use your initiative :wink: