Preparing some notes and plans for a meeting going on in Edinburgh, which i won't be going to because i'm going to be in Barcelona.
But apparently because.... "'re the one with the knowledge of the system so it would be best if the presentation and data came from you......"
I have to do the presentation and notes and slides so that someone else can present it and get the credit for it because you couldn't send me up to Edinburgh to discuss this 'KEY ISSUE' because i'm only a contractor and that's not 'right' that a contractor should represent the department.
So its better if two people who don't do the job and don't understand the depths and complications of the system go up to Edinburgh, waffle about something they don't use, don't understand and don't care about, because at least they have got out of the office and gone for a bit of a 'jolly'...... for fucks sake, why did you bother taking me on!!!! :roll:
Despite the fact i have 5 years more experience on this particular system than anyone else in the organisation and i actualy have a chance of convincing these people that what we want to do is right and will be a real benefit :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :roll: :roll: :roll:
I hope your plane up to Scotland crashes, you useless fucks :|