Show thyself

MaidenMadness said:
to add on to my long post
only to inform you that i wrote something that isnt quite true in my post when i said nobody ever sadi sorry to me when they were wrong. it happened once. when chicky pmed me aplogizing for talking about what i was telling her on msn publically here

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject:


MaidenMadness wrote

Hi MM, i know we gave you a bit of a rough time the other night, and some of it justly deserved.

But i would hate you to feel that there's been any ganging up on you. If that's how you feel, then that's a shame.

And although i didn't agree with the way you said it (hey, its not as if we're friends or anything), and a lot of the others didn't either. I can kind of understand what you were trying to say.

And as i don't like bullying in any form. Even against those who, to be frank, have come out with the most conceited and ignorant bullshit i've ever read, i am sorry if i offended you

Right, that's probably opened up a can of worms
MaidenMadness said:
pornography and offensive material is not the same fuckin thing

woah woah .. I'm not going to read the rest of your guys jibber jabber .. but theres no need to get hostile my dear.
Its just the internet, not real likfe.
And if your offended by whatever was posted, simply dont look at it and we can avoid all of this conflict.
I got a PM about this, so after reading the last ~10 pages of this thread (including all the affected material) here's what I think.

The content posted was in good humour, and I'm pretty happy that its suitable for both Maiden World's audience and the tone of the thread. There's a generally mature audience at this board, and the nature of these pictures was perfectly fine given that.

I'll be replying to specific posts in this thread given a few mins.
Rockhardchick666 said:
I definatly do not come to this forum to hear people whine and complain about seeing some guys ass and not liking it, thank you for pointing out you aren't gay.

This is the right sentiment here.

If you don't like the pictures that were posted in the thread (and its understandable that some people might not), it really is better just to let them lie and avoid this thread rather than go and stir trouble up over them. All it does is create bad feeling and tension on the board, which has no place here.
sixxy said:
Thought last night was a bit of fun, thought this forum was supposed to be a laugh?
I joined this forum because it SEEMED more relaxed than most and more friendly?
How FUCKING WRONG could i be!
I think some people took the wrong actions on this content, reacted badly and created this drama. I'd like to think the majority of members saw this for what it was, a bit of light-hearted humour and a joke.

sixxy said:
So next time one of you imature twats Pm your good friend Jon, let him know that through the constant bitchin you've now lost yourself another member!
Not that many of you care but you ain't got that many people that post regular on here, and you won't keep them if you don't GROW UP!
Good bye Moaning world!

If you wish to leave thats a decision for you to make, but I'd ask that you perhaps reconsider your choice in the light of my comments on this post and the other good people here who make the board worth coming back to. A few critics shouldn't ruin an otherwise enjoyable experience for others, and it seems as if the people involved here have come under a lot of criticism unneccessarily.
manic said:
fine, if its immature, bye M-W. :|

As above, if you wish to leave it's your choice to do so. I'd ask that you reconsider leaving over a bit of humour that seems to have been taken the wrong way. Everyone has their own opinions on things, and having arguments over things like this just seems to be killing the community spirit unnecessarily.
Thats a few posts I specifically wanted to reply to from this thread. There's tons more I could say, but I'll leave the rest from here to you guys for now.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me regarding this, or anything about the Maiden World Forums, you can PM me, e-mail me ( or MSN me (

I'd really like to hear from people, because I'm sensing a general dissatisfaction with the way the forums are at the moment. That isn't good for anyone, or the community and I'd like to set it right.

Thanks for your time, and I appreciate what all of you have done by building the Maiden World community to where it is today.
I think that if those pics were posted let's say a year ago, no-one would've complained. I think this mess started because now the time was right for arguing.

MM had just made his thread about ppl posting too big pics --> most ppl were getting fed up with him. And he also has a lot of stress, as do I have, because of the school. And lot of ppl have another kind of stress, from work, relationships... This was the place where they expressed their anger in a verbal form.

I don't accuse anyone. Everyone just said what they were thinking, and we now that most ppl don't think alike. I think the time is the reason why this came this big...

Another thing:

There has been porn and offensive material in this forum, and it can be illegal.
BUT we don't mind the stuff, we're adults. I think I can live if I see penises, vaginas, arses or she-ladies in this forum. It's not common in here, but hey - it happens. If you want to post offensive stuff or something porn-related. Post it, but use your common sense when doing it...
I was about to make a "Most vile joke you've herd" -thread, but I'm not sure if this place is good for it... :err:
Jon said:
Thats a few posts I specifically wanted to reply to from this thread. There's tons more I could say, but I'll leave the rest from here to you guys for now.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me regarding this, or anything about the Maiden World Forums, you can PM me, e-mail me ( or MSN me (

I'd really like to hear from people, because I'm sensing a general dissatisfaction with the way the forums are at the moment. That isn't good for anyone, or the community and I'd like to set it right.

Thanks for your time, and I appreciate what all of you have done by building the Maiden World community to where it is today.

Thanks Jon, thanks for a level headed attitude, things did get a bit heated over this.

I certainly can't claim that i helped things in any way with my post :| However i cannot recall ever posting anything like that on this board before, i certainly hope that it will be the last time.

The community here is good, there's always the odd bit of friction, but otherwise i believe that the spirit of the board is healthy and well.

I know we are just the "General Chatters". And some people may feel that nothing any of us posts is of any significance at all. However i believe it can be seen from the Photo's of various M-W "Chat" members who have actually met up at Maiden concerts. That there is a thriving and lively community here, who really enjoy (in general) the way this site is set up and run.

I just hope that we avoid this kind of thing in future, hopefully by actually talking to each other on the board. And that means if you don't like something, something that's said, or something that'd posted, then lets actually talk to each other about it and try to meet in a middle ground. Or very much like the TV we all have at home, change the channel for a while, and then come back when there's something else on you want "see"

Thanks to you Jon, for putting up with us :)

And thanks to everyone else, past and present. For actually helping to create the generally relaxed and sociable atmosphere that there is on this board

:) Nice one