Active Member
MaidenMadness said:to add on to my long post
only to inform you that i wrote something that isnt quite true in my post when i said nobody ever sadi sorry to me when they were wrong. it happened once. when chicky pmed me aplogizing for talking about what i was telling her on msn publically here
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject:
MaidenMadness wrote
Hi MM, i know we gave you a bit of a rough time the other night, and some of it justly deserved.
But i would hate you to feel that there's been any ganging up on you. If that's how you feel, then that's a shame.
And although i didn't agree with the way you said it (hey, its not as if we're friends or anything), and a lot of the others didn't either. I can kind of understand what you were trying to say.
And as i don't like bullying in any form. Even against those who, to be frank, have come out with the most conceited and ignorant bullshit i've ever read, i am sorry if i offended you
Right, that's probably opened up a can of worms