little britain
carer: so do u want to go see a play
disabled person: yea i know
carer: well which one *shows leaflet*
DP: want dat one *points a random thing while looking away*
carer: but thats the opera
DP:yea i know
carer:but tickets are £300
DP: yea i know... want dat one
*go to opera*
DP:... don't like it

and the transvesti bits :shock:
maiden89 said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:

*open his pants to check*

Nope i'm boy! :D
ah damn
italian women mostly have .......... :err:....whoops there are kids here

Monica Bellucci, Martina Calombari, Anna Falchi, Luana Ravegnini, Valeria Marini, Arianna David, Stefania Orlando, Alessia Marcuzzi
