Well-Known Member
I put up with too much shit, don't I?I don't think I would let them unfire me if id been treated like that
If id been treated like that it may have incited some angry shoutiness from my side
But if I did go back there would deffo be some revenge being plotted and carried out
Like pissing in the bosses favourite cup then emptying it and putting it back in the cupboard....
Or rigging a cupboard so all the heavy stuff falls out on them....
Or leaving an alligator in their office....
Or rigging a key on their keyboard so it lets off a very loud bang somewhere so they shit themselves....
Or gluing their car doors shut....

Lol, those are great

There was this very memorable revenge tactic on a forum I used to go to: the frozen piss disc. You pee on a plate and put it in the freezer. Once it has frozen, you take the piss disc and slide it under someone's door and it'll melt on their floor.