now thinking

wicky said:

Did you see my spelling on xmas night? :shock: LOL :oops:

it was frightning :shock:

i'm probably gonna watch bill and ted's excellent adventure in a few :banana: i LUV that movie

"take them to the Iron Maiden."

"Iron Maiden? Excellent!"
Rockhardchick666 said:
Oh those are always fun! Tell me all about her! Or did you find out it was a him? :D

She did drugs, hard drugs when she was with me :| and when she was with me she said she didnt :shock: :|
I've invited the Hoff to my bands first gig next friday 8)

How class would it be if he showed LOL LOL
afraidtoshooteddie said:
I never bothered to put my Cardiff photo's up on here did I? :?
I don't think so :?

Me and Luke saw you take rather a lot of Lauren :D Did you get her funny elbow? LOL